You would not find it.
Why? If you Search for reviews you usually end up with the reviews of users as posted in Retail sites.
These reviews usually reflects the knowledge (or Ignorance) of the buyers and not necessarily the real value of the Device.
There is No comparison reviews since the manufacturers of these devices are Not inclined to provide independent review units.
Being on a daily basis on this forums helps. In time you learn who are the people that you can count on their remarks and that?s helping to Target few possible units. Then you can log to the Brand?s Site and read the actual manual to make sure that the unit can do what you need for the specific installation (as an example, how many ports can be opened? Is there IP reservation? The dbi of the Antenna? Can the Antenna be removed? etc.), then look at sites like PCMag,, and see if there is review of the specific unit that you targeted.