Where can I get a very thin & light 8"-14" LCD monitor/tv [like a laptop screen].


Senior member
Aug 25, 2004
Im looking into the idea of mounting a 8 to 14" lcd in my car to run map point. I need something thin and light - like a laptop screen. It can have either VGA or composite in. I think a regular lcd montor will be too big with the case, and a playstation screen might be ok, but maybe to low of a resolution. I though awhile ago I saw somewhere a place had a screen like a laptop screen, but it had a power cable and composite in. Any ideas or what are other people doing?

Melted Rabbit

Junior Member
Oct 18, 2004
I'm not so sure about the 7" monitor, it is actually 800x480 VGA and might be an even lower resolution than that. It will probably work for you though. Another option I can think of would be to buy a one of the rare 14" monitors. While cheap they generally only have VGA inputs and in some cases can even have a passive matrix screen. Passive matrix screens can be really hard to read. The only other option I can think of would be to buy a broken laptop with a good screen manufactured after 2000 and a broken desktop LCD monitor with good electronics. Most computer LCD panels from after 2000 have LVDS inputs. LVDS is a type of data encoding which is not directly compatible with either the TMDS signals of DVI or the RGB signals of a VGA port. The way that it can be made to work is through converters that would be in a desktop LCD monitor. Granted, then you would need to do some hacking to make it work and you would need to find the datasheets for the LCD panels, all of which would be quite a bit of work.


Senior member
Aug 25, 2004
I was taking a look on ebay and there are a few around $200 that have a native resolution of 800x600 and a few around $100 that have 640x480. I want something I want have to hack into and that will fit my 93 jeep.