Where can I find 1942 flying advice w/ diagrams etc


Senior member
Feb 13, 2001
I'm trying to improve my flying in Battlefield 1942. I finally got a joystick which helped a lot. Now I'm looking for info on some of the basic offensive and defensive moves that many advanced flyers take for granted. I'm looking for explanations w/ point by point text explaining each move...some that come to mind are the 'split s' and the 'rolling scissors'. I'd really like something w/ diagrams if possible.



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2002
just go into a single player game and experiment, its probally the best way to learn manuvers, or find a multiplayer server that is empty and jsut fool around until u g tthe hang of the planes, I still uise my mouse to fly them and i can pull off some moderatly amusing tricks... wish i had the joystick though


Diamond Member
Nov 24, 2001
BF1942 is not a flight sim. It really isn't that complicated. I don't want to sound mean here, but there really isn't that much to it. Experiment with the controls and practice. That's all there is to it.


Apr 5, 2002
EDIT: FOUND ONE This page looks real good.... too bad it's on Tripod.

I have been playing BF1942 Desert Combat a lot. I am a pretty good pilot in all vehicles, especially in the Apache. (Even though they screwed up the manuevers in .3n :( )

Just play around a lot in multiplayer (Coop, with bots) (Create a local server). The bots are SUPER good at taking down planes, so be aware. If you see a tank, just fly away. The .50 on top of the tank will cut you in half before you can get away.

On a second note, I don't use a joystick..... I think you can move your mouse much faster and easier than a joystick. A mouse needs your wrist and that's about it. A joystick needs your entire arm to move :D

As for names of the manuevers..... I dunno.... I learned by watching others.


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2001
i too find that the joystick greatly helped. it seems that i can pull tighter turns and recover better when i overcompensate (a problem twofold ;))

basically i got in on coral sea by myself with no bots. just keep spawning on the ship and there will always be a plane waiting for you. just practice with the buildings and other ships at targets. while F10 makes it really easy to fly, nosecam is best (F9 twice from F10) for accuracy and getting a better feel for how far away your plane is from other objects.

just my experience talking here. hope it helps.

p.s. any BF1942 players in the orlando area... there is a <U>FREE</U> lan party at UCF on saturday. PM me for more info