wnied Diamond Member Oct 10, 1999 4,206 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #1 ...Gods Little Gift is on the rag. So tonight, I suffer.:| Ugh! ~wnied~
T thawolfman Lifer Dec 9, 2001 11,107 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #3 Goober would really know about that kinda stuff...you should see some of the stuff he posts at other forums
Goober would really know about that kinda stuff...you should see some of the stuff he posts at other forums
O Orsorum Lifer Dec 26, 2001 27,631 5 81 Apr 29, 2002 #4 << ...Gods Little Gift is on the rag. So tonight, I suffer.:| Ugh! ~wnied~ >> /me fights for the injustice all men must suffer through. I am... *dundun DUNNNNN*... tampax man! Oh, lord, I'm tired.
<< ...Gods Little Gift is on the rag. So tonight, I suffer.:| Ugh! ~wnied~ >> /me fights for the injustice all men must suffer through. I am... *dundun DUNNNNN*... tampax man! Oh, lord, I'm tired.
wnied Diamond Member Oct 10, 1999 4,206 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #5 Just try another hole I didnt mean physically Hen Pecked on a Monday Morning ~wnied~
T ThaGrandCow Diamond Member Dec 27, 2001 7,956 2 0 Apr 29, 2002 #6 My condolences man, try and get a mercy BJ
S Soulflare Golden Member Apr 16, 2000 1,801 0 0 Apr 29, 2002 #7 Sounds like someone needs a mistress.
wnied Diamond Member Oct 10, 1999 4,206 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #8 Sounds like someone needs a mistress ...This is my mistress! Someone shoot me before my brains leak out through my ears.... ~wnied~ P.S. I swear to F-ing God I have a Red Target Painted on my Ass....Shes still going as I write!
Sounds like someone needs a mistress ...This is my mistress! Someone shoot me before my brains leak out through my ears.... ~wnied~ P.S. I swear to F-ing God I have a Red Target Painted on my Ass....Shes still going as I write!
G GooberPHX420 Banned Jan 13, 2002 1,567 0 0 Apr 29, 2002 #9 << My condolences man, try and get a mercy BJ >> ROFL