My first was in 6th grade - I was 10, not quite 11 (yes, I was double promoted 1-2 grade in same year). Under a bridge with classmates mitch and dave, mitch stole a pack from his dad. It was all very Stand By Me peer pressure esque. I smoked cigs on and off from then until I was 12, when I spent the summer with my aunt - buying packs of Kool from the corner store (she sent me there with extra money to get her packs of cigs (lazy? - no she was in a wheelchair), so I bought 2 packs every couple times. This was the early 90's, not a big deal). This is when I started smoking fairly regularly. By 14 my brother nearly killed me when he found out - so my mom punished him by letting me smoke around her. I was working so I could afford my own. I think my moms misguided parenting is the reason I smoked for so long. I quit 1 dec 2009 and haven't used nicotine since. Fuck smokers and smoking.