And more importantly, why wasn't I contacted? :disgust:
Post the hottest prices and deals you find on the net. Please post deals you've found, not items you are seeking. No coupon codes, no dealers, no SPAM (IE: multi-level marketing, pay-to-surf, or referral links). Please read the forum rules for details.
Post the hottest prices and deals you've found on the net in the AnandTech Hot Deals forum. Please stick to deals you've found, not items you are seeking. This is NOT a shopping service. No dealers and no SPAM (IE: multi-level marketing, pay-to-surf, pay-for-referral schemes or links to auctions) allowed! Please DO NOT POST COUPON NUMBERS or PROMOTIONAL CODES.
Forum for private individuals to sell/buy/trade hardware. No dealers, no SPAM (IE: multi-level marketing schemes or links to auctions), and no auction style posts allowed! Members MUST show their profile and a valid email address to participate in this forum.
And more importantly, why wasn't I contacted? :disgust: