Maybe it's AMERICA'S cell phone technology that is lagging ages behind. Motorola makes a good chunk of its profits in the US whereas the world doesn't give a flying fvck for that company. I walk around Taiwan and Hong Kong and I don't see people pulling that stuff out. Moreover, the general consensus here is that RaZrs are for newb cell phone buyers. 5 years ago we were still b/w screens for the most part. I don't think color screens really became mainstream till late 2003/early 2004. Cameraphones took a huge jump in early 2005 with the introduction of SE's K750/W800 and the 2.0 MP cameras. But I guess there aren't that many who pay close attention to the cell phone market to remember that. In early 2004 Moto's V300/400/500/600 began the push of MP3 ringtones. Today we see the RaZr 2 and its pathetic 2MP camera that I've used on my last last last last last phone (whenever the hell I bought my K750).
While the rest of the US is busy concerning themselves with the Chocolate and how we finally have an MP3 player phone, SE has gone through 3 generations of Walkman phones. Now there's the iPhone craze, I ask myself what disadvantage I'm at with my W810i. Sure Safari's pretty, but I can browse Facebook with Opera mini as well.
As to answer the OP's comment about MP rising but that being evolutionary? We once were stuck wtih VGA phones with images you could barely recognize. The jump into the 1.3 MP era was not too good. Only a few phones actually had decent cameras. I say the 2.0 MP jump was huge. Look at those sample K750i photos when they first came out. Impressive by those day's standards. The 3.2 MP phones by LG, Samsung and SE's K800i were more of an evolutionary change. Increase in MP. Then came the new 5MP phones like the N95/82, SE K850i, LG whatever the hell, and I think this is once again a new jump in technology. Now we see the inclusion of Xenon flash, and what not.
Sorry, anyways I just feel that the US is a piece of crap when it comes to phones. No one really cares about high tech gadgety phones, which is fine by me, but I feel that the horrible development of networks here in the US is exactly why we are lagging in phone technology. When you have idiotic companies like T-Mobile pushing 3G out on the 1700mhz band and Google bidding on the 700 Mhz band, how do you expect to get worldwide compatibility when the rest of the world is sitting pretty on 900/1800/1900 GSM and 2100 UMTS/HSDPA? It's just ridiculous. Google's strategy is now to go with DoCoMo with the 700 Mhz frequency I suppose so that the US is not the only one on that spectrum, but given that Japan's already so incompatible with the rest of the world, I don't see how that will help. If you look at companies like SE, Nokia and Samsung, their phones primarily target Asia and Europe. Only after releasing those phones do they re-evaluate and then contemplate about releasing an 850 band version and throw in US 3G (case in point Nokia N95-3).