When are phones going to have a big advancement?


Jun 16, 2000
So about 5 years ago or so, phones took a few HUGE steps forward. Within about a year, we saw the emergence of color screens, cameras, bluetooth, 3G, and PDA phones.

In the time since then, those things have all come down in price and become more mainstream, but really, where is the new innovation? Sure sure you've got the iPhone, but that's just a nicer interface on top of a smartphone really.

Am I the only one that feels the cell phone market is kinda stagnant? Are there any leaps in technology coming anytime soon? My contract is up soon, so I started looking at new phones, and I was kinda disappointed that nothing out there is REALLY better than the SDA I got two years ago (currently have a Dash...which is just an SDA with a full keyboard).


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2002
I think it comes down to what more do you want in a phone? Right now you can get a PDA/music player/camera/web bundled in with your phone. A phone will never be a great multimedia device because size requirements are different. For multimedia, the bigger the screen the better, while phones demand a smaller form factor. For me, about the only major advancement that I'm looking for is in battery technology where I don't have to charge my phone every night. Once a month would be pretty good.


Platinum Member
May 25, 2003
Here in Australia we've got video calling, so I suppose the next step for the American market is video calling. First though everyone has to get their network up to 3G speeds.


Jul 26, 2007
Wow no mention of the Google bid for the 700 spectrum which good change what phones can do not to mention I'd prefer a Google phone over an Iphone anyday of the week. Free subscriptions, no contracts and wireless internet with an open source apps capability is the next step in the right direction if Google can execute it when the bid for the spectrum goes live.


Jun 16, 2000
Is there any hard data on google's phone? Everything I've seen is just consumer speculation.

teatime...oversea phones don't help me here! haha, I dunno, even with cameras rising in MP and all that, it still seems more like slight evolution than anything.

I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling, but like I said...other than the same stuff being cheaper, I haven't really seen much improvement in the past two years.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2005
I see what you mean now Deeko, and I agree. I guess its just "evolution" now instead of innovation. Seems to me like we have everything we need in phones. I can't think of a feature that I need that isn't already implemented.
FYI oversea phones can be used in the U.S. as long as they are unlocked (99 percent of them are). :D


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 1999
Originally posted by: onlyCOpunk
Here in Australia we've got video calling, so I suppose the next step for the American market is video calling. First though everyone has to get their network up to 3G speeds.

While many countries already on HSDPA, or 3.5G. U.S. still have yet to catch up.
I was in Taiwan this X'mas for their annual CeBit show, when I pull out my shinny so-called 3G Cingular blackjack to show off, and one of my friend asked me...
"where is your camera"?
I flip over the phone and said, "it is right here!"
They kindly replied... "I meant the video phone camera".

It is rather embarrassing.... On top of that, they use their phone to hook up their notebook at 3.5G speed for internet accessing. (for less than US$30/m unlimited usage)

That's not end of the story, when we were leaving the show heading for the subway, they used their phone to pay for the charge. ( simply swipe and over the gate. And yes, I must be the only one heading for the token boots )

So you are right! U.S. need to provide better service in "REASONABLE" price. Otherwise, it is just going to be another cell phone.


Mar 22, 2006
Yeah, if you go anywhere in eastern Asia, you'll see how far behind US phones are. I was talking to my friend from China, and i mentioned how US phones suck... response?
yeah, surely they do, i bring my phone here and play games on it. it's like every kid here say" wow, your phone is amazing" u know what ,i think my phone's a crap in china haha

Sooo... a look at asian phones can give a preview of where US phones can go.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Aflac
Yeah, if you go anywhere in eastern Asia, you'll see how far behind US phones are. I was talking to my friend from China, and i mentioned how US phones suck... response?
yeah, surely they do, i bring my phone here and play games on it. it's like every kid here say" wow, your phone is amazing" u know what ,i think my phone's a crap in china haha

Sooo... a look at asian phones can give a preview of where US phones can go.

Basically, yes. If you go to Japan and buy a phone, in about a year that phone's technology would be released in the States.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 1999
Originally posted by: potato28
Originally posted by: Aflac
Yeah, if you go anywhere in eastern Asia, you'll see how far behind US phones are. I was talking to my friend from China, and i mentioned how US phones suck... response?
yeah, surely they do, i bring my phone here and play games on it. it's like every kid here say" wow, your phone is amazing" u know what ,i think my phone's a crap in china haha

Sooo... a look at asian phones can give a preview of where US phones can go.

Basically, yes. If you go to Japan and buy a phone, in about a year that phone's technology would be released in the States.

Unfortunately, not quite. Phone you bought in Japan will not work in the U.S. , most likely never.

DoComo's system is uniqe to the world for years from their WCDMA to PHS.
Wherea we still stuck in 2.5G GSM and CDMA.


Mar 22, 2006
Originally posted by: TimeKeeper
Originally posted by: potato28
Originally posted by: Aflac
Yeah, if you go anywhere in eastern Asia, you'll see how far behind US phones are. I was talking to my friend from China, and i mentioned how US phones suck... response?
yeah, surely they do, i bring my phone here and play games on it. it's like every kid here say" wow, your phone is amazing" u know what ,i think my phone's a crap in china haha

Sooo... a look at asian phones can give a preview of where US phones can go.

Basically, yes. If you go to Japan and buy a phone, in about a year that phone's technology would be released in the States.

Unfortunately, not quite. Phone you bought in Japan will not work in the U.S. , most likely never.

DoComo's system is uniqe to the world for years from their WCDMA to PHS.
Wherea we still stuck in 2.5G GSM and CDMA.

I think he means that the tech they introduce in Japan will eventually be brought into the US. Stuff like TV on phones was in Asia a while ago and is now sort of getting a foothold in the US (V-Cast and such).


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2000
Taiwan is a little smaller in land area than West Virginia.

South Korea is a little larger than Indiana.

If the tower operators in the US had that little space to cover, we'd be much closer to their cell tech than we are now. As for why we're behind the Europeans, there really isn't an excuse for that...
Feb 19, 2001
Maybe it's AMERICA'S cell phone technology that is lagging ages behind. Motorola makes a good chunk of its profits in the US whereas the world doesn't give a flying fvck for that company. I walk around Taiwan and Hong Kong and I don't see people pulling that stuff out. Moreover, the general consensus here is that RaZrs are for newb cell phone buyers. 5 years ago we were still b/w screens for the most part. I don't think color screens really became mainstream till late 2003/early 2004. Cameraphones took a huge jump in early 2005 with the introduction of SE's K750/W800 and the 2.0 MP cameras. But I guess there aren't that many who pay close attention to the cell phone market to remember that. In early 2004 Moto's V300/400/500/600 began the push of MP3 ringtones. Today we see the RaZr 2 and its pathetic 2MP camera that I've used on my last last last last last phone (whenever the hell I bought my K750).

While the rest of the US is busy concerning themselves with the Chocolate and how we finally have an MP3 player phone, SE has gone through 3 generations of Walkman phones. Now there's the iPhone craze, I ask myself what disadvantage I'm at with my W810i. Sure Safari's pretty, but I can browse Facebook with Opera mini as well.

As to answer the OP's comment about MP rising but that being evolutionary? We once were stuck wtih VGA phones with images you could barely recognize. The jump into the 1.3 MP era was not too good. Only a few phones actually had decent cameras. I say the 2.0 MP jump was huge. Look at those sample K750i photos when they first came out. Impressive by those day's standards. The 3.2 MP phones by LG, Samsung and SE's K800i were more of an evolutionary change. Increase in MP. Then came the new 5MP phones like the N95/82, SE K850i, LG whatever the hell, and I think this is once again a new jump in technology. Now we see the inclusion of Xenon flash, and what not.

Sorry, anyways I just feel that the US is a piece of crap when it comes to phones. No one really cares about high tech gadgety phones, which is fine by me, but I feel that the horrible development of networks here in the US is exactly why we are lagging in phone technology. When you have idiotic companies like T-Mobile pushing 3G out on the 1700mhz band and Google bidding on the 700 Mhz band, how do you expect to get worldwide compatibility when the rest of the world is sitting pretty on 900/1800/1900 GSM and 2100 UMTS/HSDPA? It's just ridiculous. Google's strategy is now to go with DoCoMo with the 700 Mhz frequency I suppose so that the US is not the only one on that spectrum, but given that Japan's already so incompatible with the rest of the world, I don't see how that will help. If you look at companies like SE, Nokia and Samsung, their phones primarily target Asia and Europe. Only after releasing those phones do they re-evaluate and then contemplate about releasing an 850 band version and throw in US 3G (case in point Nokia N95-3).


Platinum Member
Dec 28, 2003
3M and other companies are working on putting projectors into phones - 3M says some phones will be out this year. Surely it won't look that great, but it's a start. Have a picture to show a friend? Shine it on the wall for a 40" picture.

It'd be nice.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2005
I just want to see better service, signal, and coverage from T-mobile and Cingular. I'll rely on importing for high-tech phones. I currently have the Sony Ericsson K800 and I'm itching to switch over to the N95 8GB from Nokia.
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: teatime0315
I just want to see better service, signal, and coverage from T-mobile and Cingular. I'll rely on importing for high-tech phones. I currently have the Sony Ericsson K800 and I'm itching to switch over to the N95 8GB from Nokia.

K800 is triband. You're shooting yourself in the foot using it here without 850mhz... well unless you're on T-Mobile I guess but there is some 850 roaming at certain places. You should wait for the N95 8GB US edition which has 3G for the US.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Aflac
Yeah, if you go anywhere in eastern Asia, you'll see how far behind US phones are. I was talking to my friend from China, and i mentioned how US phones suck... response?
yeah, surely they do, i bring my phone here and play games on it. it's like every kid here say" wow, your phone is amazing" u know what ,i think my phone's a crap in china haha

Sooo... a look at asian phones can give a preview of where US phones can go.

I agree. I travel to SE Asia quite a bit and even in what we call third world countries their wireless technology puts ours to shame.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
People are willing to spend more money on their mobile phones in other countries. It has absolutely nothing to do with the wireless system per se. Carrier subsidies have made the phone market much more competitive price-wise, and you wind up getting what you paid for. Phones also tend to be more portable overseas - all the carriers use the same GSM bands, and phones are more easily unlocked. That creates more value, and thus causes higher prices.

If you really hate the choices here in the USA, there are plenty of high-end quad-band phones you can import from abroad. Just don't expect them for $50.

As for big advancements, I expect Microsoft will finally figure out that they need to both the hardware and software sides of a phone, and finally release something competitive with the iPhone in the high-end consumer space - maybe in 2009.


Golden Member
Feb 15, 2007
im still waiting for the prepaid phones that are actually the size/shape/flexibility just as a credit card. the cashier swipes your phone in any normal card swiper to activate, and a touch screen lights up and viola, a cell phone!


Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: zig3695
im still waiting for the prepaid phones that are actually the size/shape/flexibility just as a credit card. the cashier swipes your phone in any normal card swiper to activate, and a touch screen lights up and viola, a cell phone!

The future: People talking to credit cards on the streets


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 1999
Originally posted by: zig3695
im still waiting for the prepaid phones that are actually the size/shape/flexibility just as a credit card. the cashier swipes your phone in any normal card swiper to activate, and a touch screen lights up and viola, a cell phone!

you meant something like this one http://www.samsung.com/he/prod...meraphone/sgh_p308.asp
which they have been out 3 years ago and discountinued as an "old" model in Asia.

Of course, they now replace it w/ P310.

This is kinda funny to see this guy seems so excited like he never seen something like that in his life..haha...


Dec 13, 2007
I would like a computer phone, one on which you could really type. It could work like this: the phone (maybe a flip type) is set on a level surface where you can see the screen, which should be as large as possible. The keyboard patter is projected dimly on the surface, and sensors pick up keypresses (really just you "typing" on the surface). A device that small with true fast input ability could lead to convergence. I wouldn't need a laptop and could quickly take notes on such a device.