Ok// heres the 2 important reg tweaks, the rest can be left alone

Path= Regedit in Run, then to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Vxd\MSTCP Clik on MSTCP go to Edit at the top, clik New then String Value, Typt in Just like this
DefaultRcvWindow clik ok. Then double clik that value in the right side, and a box shows up, type in 65535 all done with that 1, Next In the same place go to the top/ clik New again,String value, when the lil box shows on the right again, type in DefaultTTL same as above, double clik it, now type in 32 all done clik ok..... back out of the registry, exit, and Reboot. Done deal/ However, I always back my registry up first, this is done by going to File in the top of regedit, clik file, then Export a box will pop up/ choose wherever you wish, I use MyDocuments. clik ok/// reg is saved.... You can monkey around with the 65535 with 64240 or 32120 as a #, the 65535 just happens to work great for me after many changes..... the TTL can be set to 64 too/ although it isn't needed for DSL. If you have a Dynamic ISP,( PPPoE), you can check regedit in Find ( in regedit under edit), for MTU, if it isn't there/ post back here, or email me for the path

Beleive me, after messin with the reg settings for about a year/ these are the best.