Nocturnal Lifer Jan 8, 2002 18,927 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #1 ? hurd = heard skurd = scared wtf? is it a new online tread like when tYpInG liKE tHiS wAs fUn 2 dO?
V Viper GTS Lifer Oct 13, 1999 38,107 433 136 Apr 29, 2002 #2 Wurd. Viper GTS <-- Doing his Nutdotnet impression
B b0mbrman Lifer Jun 1, 2001 29,470 1 81 Apr 29, 2002 #3 << skurd = scared >> I recall hearing people talking with this accent out loud...don't recall the part of the country they were from though...
<< skurd = scared >> I recall hearing people talking with this accent out loud...don't recall the part of the country they were from though...
vi edit Elite Member Super Moderator Oct 28, 1999 62,484 8,344 126 Apr 29, 2002 #4 Scandanavian Ebonics. Interesting.
Nocturnal Lifer Jan 8, 2002 18,927 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #5 ive seen it being typed online, and been hearing it around also. very weird.
pyonir Lifer Dec 18, 2001 40,855 319 126 Apr 29, 2002 #6 i haven't seen those. maybe i need to spend more time online?
C Czar Lifer Oct 9, 1999 28,510 0 0 Apr 29, 2002 #7 Weird lingo to Icelandic Hurd. Icelandic word "Hurð" : English word "Door" Skurd. Icelandic word "Skurð, Skurður" : English word "Trench or Cut(wound)"
Weird lingo to Icelandic Hurd. Icelandic word "Hurð" : English word "Door" Skurd. Icelandic word "Skurð, Skurður" : English word "Trench or Cut(wound)"
N NikPreviousAcct No Lifer Aug 15, 2000 52,763 1 0 Apr 29, 2002 #8 can't be any worse than people using "u" and "r" nik
Nocturnal Lifer Jan 8, 2002 18,927 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #9 << Weird lingo to Icelandic Hurd. Icelandic word "Hurð" : English word "Door" Skurd. Icelandic word "Skurð, Skurður" : English word "Trench or Cut(wound)" >> lol
<< Weird lingo to Icelandic Hurd. Icelandic word "Hurð" : English word "Door" Skurd. Icelandic word "Skurð, Skurður" : English word "Trench or Cut(wound)" >> lol
pyonir Lifer Dec 18, 2001 40,855 319 126 Apr 29, 2002 #10 << can't be any worse than people using "u" and "r" nik >> u r write.
M mpitts Lifer Jun 9, 2000 14,732 1 81 Apr 29, 2002 #12 << ? wtf? is it a new online tread like when tYpInG liKE tHiS wAs fUn 2 dO? >> Typing like that is never fun.
<< ? wtf? is it a new online tread like when tYpInG liKE tHiS wAs fUn 2 dO? >> Typing like that is never fun.
Nocturnal Lifer Jan 8, 2002 18,927 0 76 Apr 29, 2002 #13 << << ? wtf? is it a new online tread like when tYpInG liKE tHiS wAs fUn 2 dO? >> Typing like that is never fun. >> sure, thats what everyone says. i can admit, my first sn was along the lines of oONaMeHeReoO
<< << ? wtf? is it a new online tread like when tYpInG liKE tHiS wAs fUn 2 dO? >> Typing like that is never fun. >> sure, thats what everyone says. i can admit, my first sn was along the lines of oONaMeHeReoO