Whats the scoop on Que! CD-RW drives?


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2001
I saw one of those Que! 16x10x40 CD-RW drives at CompUSA today for $80 after rebate ($150 - $30 instant rebate - $40 mail in rebate), and I think I might pick one up sometime this week. I need to know are they any good? Do they actualy burn at 16x with the right media? Are they something else rebadged? I heard they are rebadged Sanyo drives. If so can they be flashed with Sanyo firmware?

Sorry for lots of questions, but I gotta know :D.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Last December I got the QueFire! 12x8x32 (External Firewire) and have used it with my laptop. It has function just about as perfect as a CD/RW can. I also have a HP-9210-E (SCSI) burner, and have had Plextor and Pinnacle. The Que! was the best I ever worked with.

So, a couple of months ago I got the 16X10X40, also External Fireqire, and it has been just as good. Of course, faster. I use it on system #3.

I don't know from badging and don't really care . . . the case is very much a la Mac G4, and it looks very cool. It required no special drivers or software. Everything needed to run it is in Windows or ECDC5-P or Nero 5.5.

They work so well I have no interest in re-flashing them. :)

Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999

Que is a reseller. Anything could be in the box. Some people actually got Plextors (the bezel didnt say plextor - but the stickers on top did), TDK's (with transparent bezel) or Liteons. No way to know, its a crapshoot. Of course you could go to Fry's with a small knife and open up one at ea store......................
Which reminds me -
I once saw a guy sit on the floor in front of the floppies, and open the taped plastic wrap from about 100 drives, piling them on the floor next to him, while Fry's salesmen walked by not even blinking an eye. I had the intense urge to grab an intel keyboard and break it over his head.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
OK . . . I popped off the gray plastic inserts and could read the inner label . . . my 12x8x32 QueFire! is a Plextor. My new 16x10x40 is a Teac. I got no problem with either one.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Que makes great FireWire CD-R drives, they're highly rated by both Mac and PC magazines. Plus they're portable since they're external and FireWire 8x is reasonably fast.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Saw a FireWire 16x for $350. I wasn't about to spend that much though, IDE is perfectly fine with me :D. I still have some of those questions not answered!