What's the pettiest thing a former boss has done once you gave your notice?


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2005
I doubt anyone will remember, but I posted a couple months ago about my new boss being a dick and ruining a small, laid back, but very profitable office that I've worked in for years. He's turned the place into a factory, installed his own tattletales, and made people all but punch clocks for him, while pissing off clients who wont do business with us anymore. I took ATOTs advice and put my resume out there. Result was a 40% raise and a bump up to a middle management position, albeit at a huge company (which scares me, I'm not the corporate type).

Anyway, I gave my notice this week to my boss. He's been here 9 months, and is a powermongering control freak who looks out for #1 at all times. He actually took it pretty well, though his comment was "I'm disappointed, because i thought if you were gonna do this, you would have done it months ago" - a/k/a he expected that when I didn't quit immediately, I had accepted the program of licking his boots and singing his praises. He is pissed that I didnt pick one of his prescribed options.

He asked me to work my notice out (fine, I expected to), and in return, I asked him if I could speak one on one with a couple of the other manager types that I have been through good and bad times with (we're friends - long story, but about 3 of us held the company together when a bunch bolted to start their own shop). He said okay, but while I was in with one of them, my boss ran around the office interrogating everyone, pissed that anyone might have known I was leaving before him (2 or 3 did, and he's gonna flip when they leave too, they have resumes out cause he's such a douchebag).

Then, today, he sent out invites to the staff (we only have about 13 people total) to go on a walk through Monday of our new office about three miles from here. Before I decided to leave, I was looking forward to the move, because I was going to be getting a very posh window office with a supreme view of the skyline (office is just outside downtown proper). But, he didn't invite one person - me. Although I wouldn't have minded seeing the building, I know he did it as a petty jab at me - leaving me in the office alone. Several of my coworkers have already come by my office and commented that they think he's being a big baby about everything.

We have a planning meeting scheduled for first thing Monday morning, before the tour. These meetings happen once a month, last for several hours, and require everyone to come in to the office an hour and a half early. Guess who he expects to be there, even though its my last week?

I'm just flabbergasted that a guy that cheesy can advance up the ladder that far - he probably pulls down $200k in total comp (mostly base) in a geogrpahic area where most professionals make less than half that.

I'm sure ATOT can trump this guy though. What have your bosses done when you gave them the news?
Nov 5, 2001
I don't see any reason for you to go on the office tour, but I also don't see any reason for you to attend the planning meeting.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: MikeyIs4Dcats
I don't see any reason for you to go on the office tour, but I also don't see any reason for you to attend the planning meeting.



Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2004
Originally posted by: MikeyIs4Dcats
I don't see any reason for you to go on the office tour, but I also don't see any reason for you to attend the planning meeting.



Platinum Member
Jul 29, 2002
Don't go to work early for some stupid meeting. They're going to cover information that is basically useless to you now. Stroll in 10 mins late, wearing shorts and flipflops and sunglasses. What are they gonna do, fire you?!


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
One time I had a boss ask me to stay late and cover someone else's shift on my very last day of work. He wasn't being petty, he just needed someone to work, but still...Thanks, but no thanks.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
To coin the phrase oft heard in our office...

"You can do anything you want on your last day"

In your case, in means you can do and say whatever you want. Tell your boss hes a fuckstick douchebag pole smoking assstain if you want to.


Golden Member
Aug 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Specop 007
To coin the phrase oft heard in our office...

"You can do anything you want on your last day"

In your case, in means you can do and say whatever you want. Tell your boss hes a fuckstick douchebag pole smoking assstain if you want to.

My old boss always told me to make your last few weeks, the best quality of work ever, because you never know who is going to hear about it, and you never know if you would have to go back to the job for some reason.
Dec 26, 2007
When they go to the new office tour, and you have the run of the place use it to do some creative ATOT quality pranks to said boss.

Superglue things down to his desk.

Rearrange his desk.

Hide his stapler.

Put said hidden stapler in jell-o.

Switch random keys on his keyboard.

Have a kegger with some friends.

Decorate said bosses desk with random things complete with inflatable sex doll (ala Jackass or Michael from the Office) sitting in his chair.

Change settings on his office phone (ringer, call volume, etc).

Get creative. Start a thread asking for ideas if you need them. Oh and make sure to take pics of the pranks :)


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Specop 007
To coin the phrase oft heard in our office...

"You can do anything you want on your last day"

In your case, in means you can do and say whatever you want. Tell your boss hes a fuckstick douchebag pole smoking assstain if you want to.

when you say office, do you mean "supermarket?"


Jun 19, 2000
Originally posted by: DisgruntledVirus
When they go to the new office tour, and you have the run of the place use it to do some creative ATOT quality pranks to said boss.

Superglue things down to his desk.

Rearrange his desk.

Hide his stapler.

Put said hidden stapler in jell-o.

Switch random keys on his keyboard.

Have a kegger with some friends.

Decorate said bosses desk with random things complete with inflatable sex doll (ala Jackass or Michael from the Office) sitting in his chair.

Change settings on his office phone (ringer, call volume, etc).

Get creative. Start a thread asking for ideas if you need them. Oh and make sure to take pics of the pranks :)
Lightweight stuff. Take a big old dairy queen swirled dump in his chair.



Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2005
Originally posted by: DisgruntledVirus
When they go to the new office tour, and you have the run of the place use it to do some creative ATOT quality pranks to said boss.

Superglue things down to his desk.

Rearrange his desk.

Hide his stapler.

Put said hidden stapler in jell-o.

Switch random keys on his keyboard.

Have a kegger with some friends.

Decorate said bosses desk with random things complete with inflatable sex doll (ala Jackass or Michael from the Office) sitting in his chair.

Change settings on his office phone (ringer, call volume, etc).

Get creative. Start a thread asking for ideas if you need them. Oh and make sure to take pics of the pranks :)

I think this is the right attitude, consider not being invited to go to the office an opportunity to some fun stuff in the office. start a thread (or change the topic of this one) asking for suggestions. :)


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2005
I like the pranks idea, although he will not take it well at all. This guys cornhole is puckered so tight he couldnt pass a raisin.

Just FYI, I tried to do things the right way several months back, and asked him for a modest raise because I was so undermarket. It might help to know that I have won awards/praise from our CEO on several occassions, so I'm not exactly on the bottom end of our employee pool. Dickwad said that there was no money in the budget for anyone to get a raise, then gave his buddy a 15% raise, and edited the new building budget to add a 50" plasma TV and an espresso machine for his corner office. Not a big expense, but he's also installing a long range wireless telephone headset so he can carry on his conversations while he patrols the office, micromanaging everyone.

Sorry, I guess I just hate this douchebag. I felt bad about quitting on the old timers because they are great people who do business the right way, but my current boss is bad in just about every stereotypical way possible. He actually got canned from the job before last for nailing the secretary on the conference room table. He was married at the time with twin boys less than 5 years old and the secretary was a very plain looking soccer mom. I couldn't write a bigger cliche if I tried.


Jan 30, 2001
I guess I have been lucky, both my employers and I have always dealt with me giving notice professionally.


Oct 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Ramma2
Don't go to work early for some stupid meeting. They're going to cover information that is basically useless to you now. Stroll in 10 mins late, wearing shorts and flipflops and sunglasses. What are they gonna do, fire you?!

I want to support this idea. I really do because this boss of his sounds like a douche, but at the same time it is better to walk away without leaving anything like that for his boss to remember him by just in case he needs to be used as a future reference.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
same boss two things.

They cut my hours when I would not sign off on double, triple and quadruple billing (basically applying my full 8 hour days to more than one client).

They wanted me to call in each day to see what I could work on. I just got another job the next week and never called.

In return they reported to the employees, as well as a chick I was dating their at the time; that they fired me for porn and sent around a list of websites that were not allowed.

I thought it was funny, it was a small place of about 8 of us...I received calls from everyone pretty much telling me about it.

The next thing the did, was the chick i was dating (now my wife) was there on H1B...for one we were all paid the same except her...we got around $20/hr based on time worked. Overtime was at 1.5x. She was paid a flat $500 week...it was fine with her as her company back home gave her a $1000/month raise each time she came over for one of these projects. Still that is not what the H1B was about. On top of that if we were off a day for holiday, they told her she had to work two extra days for each. She was not paid extra.

We brought this up and I thought she was confused, but sure enough that was exactly what was happening. I told her they must not be commuicating what was expected right, as it would be illegal. She went and asked and they told her she was fired.

Being it was a VISA they had to provide airfare back for early term. The ticket they gave her they canceled one hour later. She arrived at the airport ready to fly out only to have a bad ticket.

I wanted to sue, but with our INS case at the time she didn't want to stir the pot anymore than she had too.

We saw one of his buddies with a his family in a store though and I was able to make him feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. The one time my wife was happy I did something like that.


Senior member
Oct 25, 2006
Originally posted by: TheAdvocate
I like the pranks idea, although he will not take it well at all. This guys cornhole is puckered so tight he couldnt pass a raisin.

....and your point is?

you're leaving! hahahahahaa


Feb 5, 2006
Asked me if I would stay for a smaller raise than I got from switching jobs, because that's all he could afford under the salary cap from the upper management. :)
He treated me well, even let me take 1 month vacation before quitting and said that if I ever wanted to come back I'd be welcome with open arms. So not all bosses are douches.


Golden Member
May 28, 2008
Originally posted by: Ramma2
Don't go to work early for some stupid meeting. They're going to cover information that is basically useless to you now. Stroll in 10 mins late, wearing shorts and flipflops and sunglasses. What are they gonna do, fire you?!

Start quoting these too:

Peter: "The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy. It's that I just don't care."
Bob Porter: "Don't-- Don't care?"
Peter: "It's a problem of mitivation, alright. Now, if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see a dime. So where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob. I have eight different bosses right now."
Bob Slydell: "I beg your pardon?"
Peter: "Eight bosses."
Bob Slydell: "Eight?"
Peter: "Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight diffenert people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motvation is not to be hasseled. That and the fear losing my job. But you know, Bob, that'll only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired."


Oct 21, 2000
You started a question thread as a cover/excuse to post your rant. Why didn't you just complain about your boss and leave the faux survey out of it?


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: TheAdvocate
I like the pranks idea, although he will not take it well at all. This guys cornhole is puckered so tight he couldnt pass a raisin.

Just FYI, I tried to do things the right way several months back, and asked him for a modest raise because I was so undermarket. It might help to know that I have won awards/praise from our CEO on several occassions, so I'm not exactly on the bottom end of our employee pool. Dickwad said that there was no money in the budget for anyone to get a raise, then gave his buddy a 15% raise, and edited the new building budget to add a 50" plasma TV and an espresso machine for his corner office. Not a big expense, but he's also installing a long range wireless telephone headset so he can carry on his conversations while he patrols the office, micromanaging everyone.

Sorry, I guess I just hate this douchebag. I felt bad about quitting on the old timers because they are great people who do business the right way, but my current boss is bad in just about every stereotypical way possible. He actually got canned from the job before last for nailing the secretary on the conference room table. He was married at the time with twin boys less than 5 years old and the secretary was a very plain looking soccer mom. I couldn't write a bigger cliche if I tried.

Your anger is justified. But you have done the only thing you can in this situation, which is to leave the company for greener pastures. The reality is, the best course of action for YOU, is to simply eat that shit sandwich for a couple more weeks and move on uneventfully. He's a douche, but at this point he can't really hurt you and thats why he's reduced to these petty and pathetic antics.