Whats the most embarrasing thing you've experienced or saw someone else experience?


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
Basically this is just an excuse to talk about a bridal shower my wife dragged me to. We happened to be talking about it this morning so now I'm posting it. Anyway a few years ago my wife got invited to a bridal shower for a friend (we'll call her Maria) she's had since high school, well the surprise shower was planned to happen at the home of the groom (we'll call him Jose) to be. Jose's sister Anna was planning the surprise and she instructed Jose and Maria to meet her at the house so she could take them out for dinner. Little did they know when they got the house 30 or 40 of their closest friends would be waiting downstairs in the family room.

Ok so here's the embarrassing part my wife and I along with a bunch of friends and family of the couple were all waiting for Jose and Maria, they were'nt due to show up for at least 30 minutes to an hour. We heard them pull into the driveway (all of the guests had parked around the corner) so we doused the lights. We could hear them enter the house talking and laughing, well several minutes by and we did'nt hear anything in fact one of Maria's sister thought they had left and was going to check upstairs. But at the last minute we heard footsteps on the steps leading down to the family room, well naturally we turned on the lights and yelled surprise. And there on the steps was a naked Jose carrying a naked Maria. Long story short, Jose panicked and dropped Maria who fell down the steps and fractured her ankle. Since at the time they were devout christians it was'nt any surprise that they got blasted by their families for sneaking around having sex.

I've had lots of bad moments but none quite like that


Nov 20, 2000
Hehehe....pretty funny.

I'm not saying anything.....certain people occasionally read this board!:Q