whats the most embarassing thing you have ever done at work?


Sep 2, 2006
title says it all

i will admit that one time i accidentally peed on my shirt at work and had to run out to my car and call my boss to take a sick day so i could go home and change D:


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I had done some part time consulting work at a company for a few years. It was on one side of the building where no matter where you were the men's restroom was the first door and the women's was the second door. Then I got hired on full time and was put into an office on the other side of the building. On that side of the building all restrooms are also situated such that the men's restroom is first and the women's is second. All except for the one restroom near my new office.

It was about 4 pm on my first day working full time. I needed to use the restroom in a hurry. I rushed in, sat down, then wondered why there was a used tampon box in the stall with me. I looked under the doors and saw women's shoes.

I stayed in that stall until well after 5 pm, waited for my chance, and darted out of there. No one saw me. But the next day my new boss asked where I was. I made up an excuse that I wasn't feeling well and spent it in the restroom. Which I guess was true.

On my way out of his cubicle, he asked to see what type of shoes I was wearing.
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Platinum Member
May 22, 2011
Sharted once walking back to my office. Once it was a confirmed shart, I told my boss I was sick and went home. I knew I shouldnt have tried to push that fart out since I was just getting over the flu but you live and learn right?


Sep 2, 2006
I had done some part time consulting work at a company for a few years. It was on one side of the building where no matter where you were the men's restroom was the first door and the women's was the second door. Then I got hired on full time and was put into an office on the other side of the building. On that side of the building all restrooms are also situated such that the men's restroom is first and the women's is second. All except for the one restroom near my new office.

It was about 4 pm on my first day working full time. I needed to use the restroom in a hurry. I rushed in, sat down, then wondered why there was a used tampon box in the stall with me. I looked under the doors and saw women's shoes.

I stayed in that stall until well after 5 pm, waited for my chance, and darted out of there. No one saw me. But the next day my new boss asked where I was. I made up an excuse that I wasn't feeling well and spent it in the restroom. Which I guess was true.

On my way out of his cubicle, he asked to see what type of shoes I was wearing.


that is awesome


Senior member
May 21, 2011
1. Bent over to pick something up and split my pants.
2. Called a woman, sir or a man, ma'am.
3. Snarted


Sep 2, 2006
Sharted once walking back to my office. Once it was a confirmed shart, I told my boss I was sick and went home. I knew I shouldnt have tried to push that fart out since I was just getting over the flu but you live and learn right?

i have done this myself (twice), but luckily both times at home


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
forgot i was on the speaker phone. As it is i hate using the phone but i let a very bad fart loose. it was nasty.

yeah the person heard..they stopped talking...

i felt better though!


Senior member
May 21, 2011
Sharted once walking back to my office. Once it was a confirmed shart, I told my boss I was sick and went home. I knew I shouldnt have tried to push that fart out since I was just getting over the flu but you live and learn right?


Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I can't really think of anything, other than the time I dropped a DMS remote cabinet. 100 or so customers without phone service. Oops. I still don't know how that happened though, I never got the alarm for that. Dropping stuff and not knowing is pretty bad, it's the only freaking job I have to do!


Feb 13, 2003
Feel asleep in a bathroom stall I guess. I wasn't going to the bathroom, just sat down for a minute but feel asleep.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2004
Feel asleep in a bathroom stall I guess. I wasn't going to the bathroom, just sat down for a minute but feel asleep.

I've fallen asleep at my desk a few times before. I fall asleep in training meetings pretty often when they aren't engaging.

When I was a lifeguard in high school i'm sure I had embarrassing moments but I can't think of any right now.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
Didn't happen to me, but I was involved. I work for my dad, sheet metal, and there was one day we were outside piping a kitchen vent through the soffit, and he was up on the ladder, I was standing at the bottom, so basically his crotch was at my head level. He reaches up, and down go his pants, underwear and all, and I had a front row seat only a couple feet away.


Feb 8, 2000
Fell asleep at 5:30 at my desk trying to burn the last half hour surfing... Entire office emptied out by 4:30-ish. I woke up at 6:30. If I wasn't snoring, it may have been hard to see that I was sleeping since I had a hand on the mouse and one on the keyboard.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
I called a customer once many years ago when I worked in the rental car industry, he was overdue to return his car and he had a really really really gay recording on his answering machine so I called it back on speaker to play to some of my co-workers who were in the office. After we played it I went on this rant about how fucking lame and gay it was and then after a long tirade I heard a beeeep. I didn't disconnect the call and my entire rant was now recorded on his machine.

Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing.

Edit-The having sex thing is true too. Not really embarrassing though, more like... FUN!
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Jan 3, 2001
I was working the late shift back in 2000 or so, and it was a slow night. As a project, I started testing out Netmeeting for video conferencing as it was something the company was interested in. Back then, Netmeeting was essentially a bunch of public chat rooms, and you could enter and leave them to start video conversations as you wished.

Well, my head is planted in a manual about setting room permissions, and "unbeknownst" to me, some naked dude popped in my room for a little fun. And another. And another. I'm reading away, and one of my co-workers walks in behind me.

All I hear is "AWWWW! YOU i love you!!!!" and he runs out. I look up, startled, and see a bunch of fat hairy guys rubbing their nipples and suggesting they stick objects into each other's orifices. I screamed like a girl and slammed the power button on my PC

3 minutes later, I hear the night manager over the company intercom "Attention: will all butt-monkeys please report to my office."

I had to go in there, explain what happened, and was laughed at mercilessly for weeks. In fact, I've been there 13 years now and that incident still comes up at least twice a year.

:$ x 10000


Sep 2, 2006
I was working the late shift back in 2000 or so, and it was a slow night. As a project, I started testing out Netmeeting for video conferencing as it was something the company was interested in. Back then, Netmeeting was essentially a bunch of public chat rooms, and you could enter and leave them to start video conversations as you wished.

Well, my head is planted in a manual about setting room permissions, and "unbeknownst" to me, some naked dude popped in my room for a little fun. And another. And another. I'm reading away, and one of my co-workers walks in behind me.

All I hear is "AWWWW! YOU i love you!!!!" and he runs out. I look up, startled, and see a bunch of fat hairy guys rubbing their nipples and suggesting they stick objects into each other's orifices. I screamed like a girl and slammed the power button on my PC

3 minutes later, I hear the night manager over the company intercom "Attention: will all butt-monkeys please report to my office."

I had to go in there, explain what happened, and was laughed at mercilessly for weeks. In fact, I've been there 13 years now and that incident still comes up at least twice a year.

:$ x 10000

wait, what???