OK, here are my overclocking numbers.
I found out that as i oclock I can only use the FSB value that has a PCI bus of 33, maybe its related to the kind of memory
I have (PC133 in my case). I tried using PCI clocks higher than 33 but that limited my FSB clock to 107 max. My max speed before now was 856, or 8*107/37, and that just didnt satisfy me as a good oclcok for a Duron 750.
Now, after listening to Wind, I took out the 64 meg stick of PC100, so i am left with 386 megs of PC133. For some reason (lucky reson for that matter), I tried FSB freqs that pair with 33 PCI clocks. That enabled me to get much higher clock speeds, as you will see in my post.
I think its important for people that write about oclocking to explain that the PCI freq needs to be set in concordance with their memory, and not higher. I was not aware of this, and i tried to oclock my Duron with very little succes for months.
Ok, nuff talk. Here are my results.
For all following numbers, the memory used is 386 PC 133 sdram, 2 sticks, 1 of 256, and the other of 128.
Vcore set to 1.85, was afraid to try it lower, maybe i will do so in the future.
7*122/40= didnt boot
7*115/38=805 booted fine
7*117/39=819 not starting
7*116/38=812 works
7*118/38= dont work
7*115/36=805 works
7*116/36=812 works
7*117/36=820 stuck at MS Windows first page
7*117/35=820 dont boot at all
5*133/33=667 woeks
5.5*133/33=733 works
5.5*135/33=743 works
5.5*149/33=819 wont boot
6*133/33=800 works
6*143/33=858 works
6.5*133/33=866 works
6.5*144/33=936 works but got some errors in internet explorer 6.1(the last one) that i never got before. It basically said that it had problems, almost every time i was using it....no other problem though
6.5*145/33=943 error: scan registry error
7*133/33=933 works
7*134/33=938 works
7*143/33= error: Detecting Floppy Drive A media, INSERT DISK AND PRESS ENTER
7*135/33=945 error: in accessing system registry
8*117/33= wont boot
9*100/33=900 works fine
9*103/33=927 works
9*105/33=945 error: windows protect error
9.5*100/33=950 error: windows protect error
Right now im running 7*133/33=933.
Its intersting that for all these different clocks, i got similar, no, the correct term is exatcly teh same cpu temps. basically, now that i run at 933, and before, at 856, and at the lower clocksi tried, the temp is all the same, ~32 idle and ~50 celsius at max load (never saw any temp higher than that). Ahh, the power of water cooling (no fan on radiator).
ok, so pls let me know if you need know more. im sure i skipped a lot of stuff