Okay I thought I was one myself(I wipe the phones and keyboards down with alcohol and cotton wool first thing in the morning everyday before doing anything else) but this seemed a bit ridiculous.
A customer came to buy a product. She signed for it and had to use one of those electronic pen thingy to sign. She opened her purse and rubbed some kind of portable hand sanitizer. She now had to pay for said product using debit and had to use the same electronic pen again to punch in her pin. She rubbed the portable hand sanitizer solution from her purse again a second time.
She herself already had the sniffles so I'm not sure what she's is accomplishing by doing that.
A customer came to buy a product. She signed for it and had to use one of those electronic pen thingy to sign. She opened her purse and rubbed some kind of portable hand sanitizer. She now had to pay for said product using debit and had to use the same electronic pen again to punch in her pin. She rubbed the portable hand sanitizer solution from her purse again a second time.
She herself already had the sniffles so I'm not sure what she's is accomplishing by doing that.