Whats the current o/c advice for upgrading (cpu/mobo)?


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000
I ran my 266 @ 448 for a while, and got a P3 450 with my custom crafted 4 fan cooling brick + gap padding which has been happily pumping out 600 on my abit BX6-2 with 1 PC 100 and 1 PC 133 sticks for a year (both microns) ... but its about time i started checking what my next o/c'ed upgrade is gonna be.

I've not been following the trend lately, whats the current 'best overclock' available for pentiums plz and whats the best board atm for it - still an abit?? Will i need faster ram??

Oh and im also looking at ide raid too, not essential as ill get the card for it if its not on the mobo, but i hear theyre getting popular as board add ons so can consider one if it fits the o/c needs.

thanks in advance :)




Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000
Go AMD :)

The best setup for money/overclocking is a duron chip and for RAID, a ABIT KT7.
If you get a Duron 700, it'll do almost 1GHZ :)


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000
yay, replies, thx peeps :)

I wanna stick with Intel atm, i've never dealt with AMD kit so it would be a new experiance .... also im not bothered if it doesnt hit the gig - just getting up around the 9's will do.

I'm going for value of power rather than cheapness at any cost, e.g Pentium rather than Celeron, but need to know whqat the current 'easy overclock' chips are.

I notice that slot 1 isnt in favour any more - Ive an abit BX6-2, slot1 with cpusoftmenu up to 153mhz, but no Ram divider - I can do 133mhz but only at 3-3-3 with my current ram ... any higher and ive ram timing problems.

One question im asking are is there a slot1 Pent3 @ 66-100mhz bus that i can crank up to 100-133 without having to upgrade a perfectly good mobo???

If i do have to upgrade mobo, which one, a VIA133A one with a ram divider i suppose??? and can I still use a slocket(? scuse spelling) if I need to use my older slot1 CPU's??

thanks for the help :)


Senior member
Aug 28, 2000
If when you say "going for value of power rather than cheapness at any cost" you mean AMD is cheap at all costs, then you couldn't be more wrong. I don't want start a war, I'm sure Intel products are verry nice, but AMD does not cut all corners for cheapness.

Well, anyway, back to the topic at hand. If you want onboard RAID and with a Pentium, the BX133-RAID is the only (I think) mobo out there. It uses the High Point HTP370, same as the KT7, and from what I've seen it's not that great.

Also, slockets are for socket to slot conversion (socket CPU to slot mobo), you'd need a socklot (I guess that's what it would be called) for that, and they don't exist