Whats the best online strategy game right now?

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Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
I'm looking for a new game.. I'm more or less done with Americas Army so I'm looking for some recommendations.

I would love to have played Age of Empires 3 but I imagine that scene is dead because it's a few years old. I also think Company of Heroes would have been a good game, I actually bought it in fact. But I went back to Americas Army.

I was thinking of Sins of a Solar Empire even though that's about a year old.. I just want to try an online strat game that still has a vibrant fan base.


Jun 2, 2005
Blood Bowl is out today for digital download. The boxed version won't come out in America or UK until the Xbox version is ready which won't be till September. The game also has SecuROM online activation. But it should have a good and long lasting online community. The board game, and online Java versions have been around for a long time now. If you get it, play turn based classical mode, like the table top game.


Feb 8, 2004
Well starcraft is awesome, so is company of heros. You said it "would have been a good game". Whats that mean, you played it before and didnt like it or couldnt get into it or something? Its great fun online and has a pretty big community, just play team games to begin with and go either americans or wehrmacht, wehrmacht are the best overall faction, they can do everything and then some especially with the terror doctrine. Play some 2v2's on the bridge maps lyon and vire river vally with a friend if possible, theyre great for learning the basics of the game.

Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
Originally posted by: Maximilian
Well starcraft is awesome, so is company of heros. You said it "would have been a good game". Whats that mean, you played it before and didnt like it or couldnt get into it or something? Its great fun online and has a pretty big community, just play team games to begin with and go either americans or wehrmacht, wehrmacht are the best overall faction, they can do everything and then some especially with the terror doctrine. Play some 2v2's on the bridge maps lyon and vire river vally with a friend if possible, theyre great for learning the basics of the game.

Well I istalled it and all the patches (hours), I was watching replays and it did look good but I wanted to beat the game in single player mode and do it the way they play online. (usually I pause and pause till I figure out what to do) So I was reading the forums at game replay and they seemed to think it was dying and every patch that came out made it worse.
Then I got side tracked and forgot about it before I could actually play it properly.

I think I'll look into that game again since I already own it.. I heard the latest addon of it was pretty bad though.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Northern Lawn
Originally posted by: Maximilian
Well starcraft is awesome, so is company of heros. You said it "would have been a good game". Whats that mean, you played it before and didnt like it or couldnt get into it or something? Its great fun online and has a pretty big community, just play team games to begin with and go either americans or wehrmacht, wehrmacht are the best overall faction, they can do everything and then some especially with the terror doctrine. Play some 2v2's on the bridge maps lyon and vire river vally with a friend if possible, theyre great for learning the basics of the game.

Well I istalled it and all the patches (hours), I was watching replays and it did look good but I wanted to beat the game in single player mode and do it the way they play online. (usually I pause and pause till I figure out what to do) So I was reading the forums at game replay and they seemed to think it was dying and every patch that came out made it worse.
Then I got side tracked and forgot about it before I could actually play it properly.

I think I'll look into that game again since I already own it.. I heard the latest addon of it was pretty bad though.

Company of Heroes is a great game. I have the first 2 but not the latest Tales of Valor. The first 2 were awesome games. One of the best RTS games to come out in many years.
Oct 30, 2004

Sins of a Solar Empire is a great game for online multiplayer, but sadly, it doesn't have the online multiplayer player counts that it deserves. Apparently, the vast majority of Sins players prefer single player against feckless AI. (The AI isn't bad as far as AI goes, but it will never compare to a human opponent.) Average player counts during North American prime time seems to be about 80-120 people online, which is enough to find a game. 5v5 pug matches (where two captains the pick the other 8 players) are pretty popular and highly recommended for intense, competitive games with balanced teams.

Note that in order to really play it online, you'd need to get Entrenchment since everyone who plays regularly has it.

The thing about this game is that it's questionable how much longer it will be viable online. If Starcraft-2 pulls away half of the community, then it's probably done for. Also, the community is rather tight-knit and just about everyone who plays regularly knows everyone else. It's a hard game to break into online now because the level of competition is very high, so it will be hard to find games appropriate for your nooby skill level. I'm not saying don't buy it, but just be aware that in order to break into the online scene you're going to get beat up a lot until you learn the online game, which has a learning curve and is much more challenging than and plays differently from the single player game.



Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Northern Lawn
Originally posted by: Maximilian
Well starcraft is awesome, so is company of heros. You said it "would have been a good game". Whats that mean, you played it before and didnt like it or couldnt get into it or something? Its great fun online and has a pretty big community, just play team games to begin with and go either americans or wehrmacht, wehrmacht are the best overall faction, they can do everything and then some especially with the terror doctrine. Play some 2v2's on the bridge maps lyon and vire river vally with a friend if possible, theyre great for learning the basics of the game.

Well I istalled it and all the patches (hours), I was watching replays and it did look good but I wanted to beat the game in single player mode and do it the way they play online. (usually I pause and pause till I figure out what to do) So I was reading the forums at game replay and they seemed to think it was dying and every patch that came out made it worse.
Then I got side tracked and forgot about it before I could actually play it properly.

I think I'll look into that game again since I already own it.. I heard the latest addon of it was pretty bad though.

Yeah thats the "pro" crowd saying that, they are a minority. If they had their way we would all back on vanilla 1.71 company of heros which btw was boring, CoH really came into its own with the expansion opposing fronts which added two new factions. The player numbers online tell the true story, the community has actually grown since opposing fronts came out.

The latest addition sucks for fans who already own the previous two games, its great if you dont own any company of heros at all though as it allows you to play all 4 factions on multiplayer. For me it was a letdown.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
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