Whats the best motherboard for i7 940?


Junior Member
Dec 14, 2008
Hi! Im actually trying to build a nice Video Encoding rig, and I think I might go for the i7 940 chip, I was thinking in building a dual quad core xeon 5420 but its too much for my budget, so I would like some help. I need to know whats the best motherboard, more easy to install and for running the i7 940 at stock settings, I would also like to know wich ram to get for the motherboard you advise me to get. Thank you very much. Oh my budget its about $1500 to $2,000

thanks mates!
Nov 26, 2005
Hi and welcome to the Anandtech forums :thumbsup:

Wait until the Phenom II comes out. Not only will you have another choice but the competition may lower the price on other Quad cores making it good for us all. Jan 8th is the word on the street...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
Hi and welcome to the Anandtech forums :thumbsup:

Wait until the Phenom II comes out. Not only will you have another choice but the competition may lower the price on other Quad cores making it good for us all. Jan 8th is the word on the street...

Not only that, but all the ultra uber $400-$500 motherboard should be out by then. (Asus P6T6 WS Revolution/eVGA x58 FTW/DFI LanParty UT X58-T3eH8)