What's the best FREE way to use a proxy as a transparent gateway?


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Alright so here's the basic deal. My girlfriend has been without internet for nearly a week now owing to a huge outage in her immediate area. She doesn't have a landline so she can't use dialup, and there isn't any nearby internet she can mooch off of either because, hey, area outage.

I've had situations like this before, and when it happens to me I just load up my phone and tether it. The problem is that my phone won't tether normally; instead it sets up a proxy that I connect through.

Now it's easy enough for me to redirect my software through the proxy, but my girlfriend... well she's not the technical type, and her system really isn't set up for it either. I can do it for her, sure, but I'd much rather there be a simpler (for her) solution.

What I've been looking for for a while is some way to set up a transparent gateway that just redirects all traffic through the proxy. No messing around with proxifier, no screwing with browser settings, just have her router point to a different gateway and call it done. Anything on the network now uses the proxy, including things which don't really like using proxies without something like Proxifier/etc.

Yes, this is a bit overkill for the situation, but nobody said us geeks are simple.

I have a number of spare systems lying around if I'd need to make a custom box to do this, including a laptop or two. Hardware is not a problem.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Will your girlfriend die if she's without Internet for a couple days?

There's always public libraries, etc.