He won't get nearly the depth of experience doing it that way as he would through going to the Cisco Networking Acadamy. I went through it and I could run circles around most CCNA's I know that tried to self-study their way through the exam. The Net Acad will have all the equipment you need, plus a qualified instructor (I had two EE's that had extensive experience on routers plus passed their CCNA), the official Cisco curriculum <<for life>>, and a 40-50% discount on the exam for completing the Cisco Net Acadamy. Those are things you should think of because quite honestly, employers do. I met several people who self-study for CCNA, apply for a job and get fired or demoted because they can't deal with the routers like someone with experience can. Some of them were in my classes at their employer's reqest
The Net Acadamy will give you plenty of router and switch time and you are going to need it for any practical application of the CCNA material.
For a list of Cisco Net Acadamies near you,
click here.
Originally posted by: m2kewl
you don't need to drop a grand on the course - just get the Odom CCNA book from CiscoPress, a 2500 series router from fleabay. memorize the more popular commands on the IOS.