What's so bad about MSG?


Golden Member
Jun 2, 2007
Console fanboys like to toss it around in their stupid debates, claiming its the best thing ever since sliced bread.

Wait...whats MSG?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Some people have a reaction to it causing headaches, dehydration, nausea, even allergic reactions like swelling of the throat.


May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Sumguy
Wait...whats MSG?
MonoSodium Glutamate. It's a drug added to food to make it taste better.

What's bad about it? It makes people look Asian

"This last fact is of little interest to the Japanese - like most Asians, they have no fear of MSG. And there lies one of the world's great food scare conundrums. If MSG is bad for you - as Jeffrey Steingarten, the great American Vogue food writer once put it - why doesn't everyone in China have a headache?"

Long story short: bitchy white people are looking for Black Man Version 2 to blame for all of their problems. This week it's MSG. Next week it will be some other wild goose chase.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
it tricks your brain into thinking that what you're eating tastes good, when in reality it tastes like shaq's a-hole.

you could be kobe bryant.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Free Glutamate Content of Foods (mg/ml)
Cow?s milk 2
Human milk 22
Eggs 23
Beef 33
Fish (mackerel) 36
Chicken 44
Potatoes 102
Corn 130
Oysters 137
Tomatoes 140
Broccoli 176
Mushrooms 180
Peas 200
Grape juice 258
Fresh tomato juice 260
Walnuts 658
Soy sauce 1,090
Parmesan cheese 1,200
Roquefort cheese 1,280 http://www.msgfacts.com/lookatfacts.html


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: ShawnD1
Originally posted by: Sumguy
Wait...whats MSG?
MonoSodium Glutamate. It's a drug added to food to make it taste better.

What's bad about it? It makes people look Asian

"This last fact is of little interest to the Japanese - like most Asians, they have no fear of MSG. And there lies one of the world's great food scare conundrums. If MSG is bad for you - as Jeffrey Steingarten, the great American Vogue food writer once put it - why doesn't everyone in China have a headache?"

Long story short: bitchy white people are looking for Black Man Version 2 to blame for all of their problems. This week it's MSG. Next week it will be some other wild goose chase.

Wow, congradulations. Thats the most racist thing ive read on AT yet.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: ShawnD1
Originally posted by: Sumguy
Wait...whats MSG?
MonoSodium Glutamate. It's a drug added to food to make it taste better.

What's bad about it? It makes people look Asian

"This last fact is of little interest to the Japanese - like most Asians, they have no fear of MSG. And there lies one of the world's great food scare conundrums. If MSG is bad for you - as Jeffrey Steingarten, the great American Vogue food writer once put it - why doesn't everyone in China have a headache?"

Long story short: bitchy white people are looking for Black Man Version 2 to blame for all of their problems. This week it's MSG. Next week it will be some other wild goose chase.

Wow, congradulations. Thats the most racist thing ive read on AT yet.

read the article, he has a point.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Biggest problem with MSG: People who dislike chineese food pretend they are alergic to MSG.

Minor problem: A few people have minor problems with MSG (such as headaches).

Ask most people who claim that they are alergic to MSG if they eat the foods that naturally contain it (without telling them that the natural foods have MSG). Most will say yes they eat them without any problems. But if they suddenly eat it in an ethnic food form they "become alergic". I'd say 99% of them don't know what they are talking about.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
Originally posted by: ElFenix
it tricks your brain into thinking that what you're eating tastes good, when in reality it tastes like shaq's a-hole.

you could be kobe bryant.

Where do you come up with this stuff... lol


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Mostly nothing. Over one billion Asian's can't be wrong. Peanut butter has caused more deaths than MSG.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: dullard
Biggest problem with MSG: People who dislike chineese food pretend they are alergic to MSG.

Minor problem: A few people have minor problems with MSG (such as headaches).

Ask most people who claim that they are alergic to MSG if they eat the foods that naturally contain it (without telling them that the natural foods have MSG). Most will say yes they eat them without any problems. But if they suddenly eat it in an ethnic food form they "become alergic". I'd say 99% of them don't know what they are talking about.

I used to have no problems with MSG but as I aged into my mid-20s, I started getting ridiculous migraines that started with the visual auras (classic symptom) and couldn't figure out why. A few YEARS later, I realized it was the MSG. The restaurant I repeatedly used to go to proved the case - not-so-coincidentally they tasted the best. I'm not a big chinese food fan in general anyway so no big loss. I control the amount I eat and no migraines like it was clockwork. Lesson here folks... your body's behavior changes as you age.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Kaieye
Mostly nothing. Over one billion Asian's can't be wrong. Peanut butter has caused more deaths than MSG.

Ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday. The Great Peanut Butter wars of '54! We slaughtered those bastard Australians like goddamn dogs on their own land we did.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2001
well for many people it causes head aches, because of the massive influx of glutamate into the system. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. Meats also have glutamate but it is released more slowly. That is why Chinese Food Syndrome exists. It also gives many people the shits. Diarrhea and headaches are not desirable for the majority of the population.

Caecus Veritas

Senior member
Mar 20, 2006
don't know about MSG killing you... but i get extremely thirsty depending on the amount of suspected msg. also brings on extreme food coma.


Golden Member
Jun 2, 2007
Originally posted by: sonambulo
Originally posted by: Kaieye
Mostly nothing. Over one billion Asian's can't be wrong. Peanut butter has caused more deaths than MSG.

Ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday. The Great Peanut Butter wars of '54! We slaughtered those bastard Australians like goddamn dogs on their own land we did.

HA! Now they have to eat vegemite and jelly sandwiches.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Stiganator
well for many people it causes head aches, because of the massive influx of glutamate into the system. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. Meats also have glutamate but it is released more slowly. That is why Chinese Food Syndrome exists. It also gives many people the shits. Diarrhea and headaches are not desirable for the majority of the population.

doubtful. i bet if you snuck msg into the diet of such people they would have no symptoms.
else such symptoms would be rampant in asia as said.

as for thirst. much restaurant food in general is high fat high salt. add the psychological factor of having such msg fud planted in the brain and u get exaggerated symptoms.