what's a good newsgroup server to use?


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I am looking for a newsgroup server that provides access to all the newsgroups, but I am not sure which one to pick. Teranews is free but has a 50 meg per day dl limit and another I found has 1gb dl limit for 6 dollars a month (active-news.com). Is there anything better out there?


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Teranews doesn't sound bad but it you have to open an account and they want a cc number ... :(
What for if the account is free????



Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2000
Here's another vote for Easynews. The web interface is also very helpful, in fact it's easier to use than Agent. (Plus their retention rate is better than some other NG i've used)


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
so far i have tried easynews and terra news. Easynews is really slow compared to terranews. It took me forever to just get the news headers from just one newsgroup. I eventually canceled the operation because it was taking too long (around 5 minutes to get maybe 5 to 10 percent of all the headers). Terranews pulled down all the headers from that newsgroup in about one to 3 minutes. Dowloading files from easynews clocked in at 15 kb per second and apperantly if I use the web interface I can only simutaneously download two archives at the same time so that gives me 2 * 15kb per second. Is this normal dl speed for newsgroups? I am sure terranews is a lot faster but I hit my 50meg dl limit per day by just getting all the headers of various newsgroups.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
any other suggestions? I am trying to keep the monthly fee to around 5 dollars a month while still being able to dl about 5-10 gigs a month.

I am test driving active-news right now and so far it sucks. It's only 6 dollars a month and u supposedly get 1gig per day dl limit but the truth is u get 300kb dl limit for each of the 4 servers they have. and by far the biggest problem is that only one of those server seems to have all the files i want. Of course dl speed is severly capped.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have Easynews here and love it!

$pade: You can establish as many connections as your link will support... I've had seven going at once with DAP. See here for more info.

My download speed is insane at work, here's the proof:

obligatory screenshot

Here's a tip: if your network connection is slow, go to here and test your connection. You'll be able to select the fastest route available...



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999

thx for the tips - i signed up for the free trial and used the patch and dap and I am now dl at about 300-400 kb/s, which is the max my cable modem is capable of. I think i would join easynews in a heartbeat if they offer a package that allows you a 1gb/day dl limit at $10 a month. I would even be willing to give up dl speed for increased dl capacity since I can just dl everything over night.


Oct 9, 1999
I was just starting to look into getting a newsgroup subscription. Comcast allows 1GB per month! which just blows... I've tried easynews and Giganews and I like them both but they are expensive. 6GB a month is not very much. I've seen a few of the cheaper services but I don't know anyone who has used them. Anyone else want to share?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2001
We should find an FAQ regarding the finding/downloading of binaries - I must have tried out newsgroups 5 times by now and am always disappointed - I have tried Agent and a few other news apps and usually the content sucks..... 2840 part files that take up all of the headers you are allowed to download. Maybe I'm missing out. Maybe I suck at the internet. It's hard to say.

There must be a better way to download for free from them as some ISPs have good news servers and I'm not going to pay $10 a month just to find stuff I could also get elsewhere....