What's a good cordless phone?


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I just moved into an apartment building and my cordless phone is getting interference like crazy. I have a 900MHz Uniden that I bought over a year ago. I don't think it is the DSS type, although I could be wrong. I have been looking at the 2.4GHz phones and some other 900MHz DSS phones, but I just don't know what to get. It's difficult to find telephone review sites. What phone do you use? I would love to hear from some people who live in an apartment environment. Thanks for the help.

BTW, if you could list the model numbers of the phone you suggest it would be helpful.


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 1999
Panasonic 2.4 gigs aren't bad at all, but are only 2.4 one way- 900mhz the other. Seimens has some 2.4's, namely, the 2400 series (2410-single line, no ans device, 2015-same as 2010 w/ ans. device, 2020-bigass thing with full featured base, 2 lines, and support for 8 handsets). I'd stay away from northwestern and southwestern bell. GE is just ok, lucent is about even with panasonic, and vtech doesnt offer a 2.4 gig to my knowledge. I've had bad luck with sony phones, and I never really liked uniden phones. all this is my personal opinion and experience working in retail and selling these phones, so take it with a grain of salt.


Oct 9, 1999
I replaced my 10 year old Panasonic with a Crappy VTech that we got for free from Staples with a $50 coupon. I cashed it in 6 months later for this Panasonic KX-TG2500B 2.4GHz model. Staples gave me full $50 credit towards the TG2500. It was wonderful, but no way is 2.4GHz worth the extra cost. Well, I didn't like the small size of it either. If you can stand cellular phone's small size, you might not mind it. I replaced it with a Sony SPP-M920 900MHz . Price was right because of awesome 155% pricematch, but it's sound was really poor.

I finaly ended up with this one, Panasonic KX-TC1750-B. Costs a little more than most, but WORTH IT! You'll be using this phone for years, so grab a good one. As you can see, I went through four till I found the right one. I think Panasonic is the best sounding by far. Nobody can even tell you're using a cordless.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks guys. I'll check out that Panasonic. That 2500 series was one of the items on my list to check out. Actually I think it was the 2550 series -- the one that comes in 3 different colors, black, silver, or blue. I'll keep this in mind. I also looked at the Siemens website. That 2400 series looks really cool, but Ornery brings up a good subject...Is the money paid for the 2.4GHz really worth it. I really need something better than regular 900MHz, because the crackling and the interference is beginning to irritate me. Thanks again for the tips.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm back :)

Just love our new Panasonic so much I had to add this. After the initial charge, it only needs four hours to charge back up. It's the first phone we grab when the phones ring and when we want to dial out. Use it all the time. It runs for ten days without a recharge, then four hours on the charger for ten more days use.

It's got a nice "heft" to it. Like I said, that 2.4GHz Panasonic was too small. Nobody wanted to use it because of that. Strange, but true. I had it a couple weeks and noticed that we avoided using it. No way I'm spending $200 for a phone that nobody likes. And since it was destined to be around for another ten years... out the door it went!

Buy one at Best Buy and use it a while. A good 900MHz digital should work for you as far as interference. If it doesn't, swap it. No biggie ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Well, i was gonna recommend the Uniden 900 MHz. --But I guess you aren't gonna go that route again. That's weird though, that it's giving you problems. I have two of them, my upstairs neighbor has one just like it, my fiancee bought one just like it, and my parents have the same one also. We all made our purchasing decisions separately, and not one of us has had a problem yet. --And we all HAVE lived in apartment buildings with them. All of us still do, with the exception of my parents, who got a house a few months ago.



Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
I have a Sony 900MHZ digital and love it. I was going to get a Panasonic 2.4 GHZ because my roomate's piece of crap generic-brand 900MHZ phone used to cause all kinds of interference with mine (and vice versa) if we were both on the phone at the same time (got more than one phone line). Anyhow, he ended up buying a house and moving out because he's getting married. So, no more interference. Current roomate's phones cause no problem.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2000
I have a Sony that I've been using for about 2 years. Has a caller ID unit built in, but the best feature is that it has a spare battery holder in the base. If you rundown the battery in the handset you can switch it with the spare in the base and you're back in business:) Also, if the power fails, it will switch to the spare battery and you can keep right on talking, unlike with normal cordless phones.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
Sounds exactly like my phone, Sacotool. I love the fact that if the battery starts to crap out in the middle of an important call (you know, those 976 and 1-900 numbers) I can put the call on hold and swap the battery with the freshly charged one in the base.


Sep 28, 2000
I had that phone last year, Panasonic KX-TC1750-B, or some modle just like it. It was a great phone, till i dropped it once! never got another incoming call again. Now i go with a panasonic 2.4. Looks cool (went for the silver one) and will last longer than my phone company.