What's a good AM2 oc'ing mobo?


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
I'm thinking about moving from Skt. 939 to AM2 because of the high price (relatively) of 939 dual-core parts compared to AM2; it would be cheaper to upgrade to AM2 than upgrade my current platform. I plan on getting an X2 3600+ Brisbane (65nm), 2GB of DDR2-667... I'm not sure about what motherboard, however.

I've looked at the DFI Ultra-II m2 motherboard (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813136015). At $90 it's priced at what I want to pay but also I've heard it overclocks well. However, I've also heard that it requires a BIOS update to acknowledge the 65nm Brisbane's... that's something I'd rather not deal with if true.

What other motherboards should I be considering? I realize not many people are going AM2 with how dominant the C2D processors are, but upgrading to a C2D system is going to cost me much more money and all I do is game; I don't need the absolute fastest processor in the world.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2004
I have no idea why S44 is recommending a NF-M2 Nview. It vanished long ago or I'd have one now.

If the board doesn't boot with the Brisbanes, and you don't have another CPU, the BIOS is usless anyway. I'd take a look at the Tforce 550 combo at Newegg. There is a lot of info on the web about it and overclocking it.

The Tforce 550/Brisbane combo special at Newegg is inexpensive. Searches will show it is a good pair, especially for $143.99 and a $10 rebate. In my opinion, the only negatives are the power placement and no firewire. I may get the pair myself, or a mATX board instead.




Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
yes, the NF-M2 also has lot of memory compatiblity issues, both Tforce550 or tforce6100
are excellent boards for overclocking, specially when paired with Brisbane core Athlons.

Originally posted by: najames
I have no idea why S44 is recommending a NF-M2 Nview. It vanished long ago or I'd have one now.

If the board doesn't boot with the Brisbanes, and you don't have another CPU, the BIOS is usless anyway. I'd take a look at the Tforce 550 combo at Newegg. There is a lot of info on the web about it and overclocking it.

The Tforce 550/Brisbane combo special at Newegg is inexpensive. Searches will show it is a good pair, especially for $143.99 and a $10 rebate. In my opinion, the only negatives are the power placement and no firewire. I may get the pair myself, or a mATX board instead.
