What's a good alarm system company to use (Southern CA)


Sep 10, 2001
Like the topic says. Concerns are false alarm policies. Pricing: installation and monthly rate. Equipment.

This is for a house on a man made lake. The house sits at the edge of the lake. It has glass on the two sides of the house that over look the lake. Large sliding glass doors. Two story house. About 3000sqft. What else. Most of the ones I called offer only 2-3 door/window censors. Only one motion. Is there ever a need for more? I'm used to commercial alarm systems where we have shock sensors on all windows and door sensors on everything. Motion sensor in each room. I know this is probably overkill for a house... but wondering the likely hood of someone breaking into the house on the second floor as well as through a small window which most likely would not be sensored in a basic install.

Thanks for any help on this. :D


Sep 10, 2001

<< If you need an alarm on your house I would move to annother area! >>

Yeah, ok. It's outside of Irvine but we still want an alarm on the house for safety concerns as well as protecting our valuables as we travel frequently. So thank you very much for your not so insightful comment and begone.