Originally posted by: Azeroth101
I'm sorry guys look at the facts. Guitar Hero had quality gameplay with alot put into one instrument. Rock Bands pulls that loosely across 3 or 4 instruments, introducing easy and lame gameplay.
I'll gladly look at the facts, but I can't seem to find anything you've said that isn't completely subjective.
Easier does not necessarily mean "lame gameplay". You're not talking to a GH virgin, I've beaten GH2 on Expert and have "Raining Blood" and "One" left on GH3. I've FCed most Hard songs and enough Expert songs on each. I've run with the scorehero.com crowd, as have many of the other people here. I do enjoy the challenge.
In my opinion, in terms of pure fun, there is NOTHING in any of the Guitar Hero modes that comes anywhere close to having a room full of people rotating in and out of Rock Band.
All that said, I'll very happily continue to play both series, provided Activision gets its act together and stops screwing over its own customers with the guitar compatibility issue.