Cut off all diplomatic and economic relations with Wahabi Islam countries like SA and Qatar. You have done worse to Libya (Qaddafi) for years, why do you hesitate to do it against the Saudis ?
Because Saudi money is deeply invested in US politics. Most of the Islamic extremism we see today stems directly from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has actively funded and exported Wahhabi culture to Pakistan, Afghanistan and many other places and condemned them to religious strife and fundamentalism. At home it's executing people in droves who dare speak up against it yet the US is entirely silent about this. If people genuinely want to see change in the Mid East, one of the first steps would be to get rid of the House of Saud.
Unfortunately, the tentacles of hate that sprouted from there have reached far and wide and culling them will take massive effort that I'm not sure is really possible anymore. I mean you have groups like the Taliban pledging their allegiance to ISIS and now bombing areas inside Pakistan close to the capital. Afghanistan has been a mess since the jihadist got involved there with backing from the CIA to repel the Soviets. Syria has been a powder keg that was made worse with the US supporting the rebels and let's not forget the US's misadventure in Iraq and the so-called WMDs.
We'd be at war with Iran right now if Israeli politicians like Netanyahoo and the right wing Christians in the US had their way and there would be an even bigger mess in the middle east. There is no easy solution to the problem in the middle east but one step is to pull out entirely from it, both politically and militarily. In time those regimes will either survive and fix their problems due to militants knocking on their doors or they will fall and something else will replace them. As long as they keep their extremism in their own backyard, it shouldn't concern the US or anyone else.
Or, we just bomb the fuck out of them until they are all dead.
Who you going to bomb? There's Muslim nations that extend from North Africa to Asia and there's 1.6 billion of them throughout the globe, good luck with that, you don't have enough bombs. Often times imbeciles who make these statements forget that countries like Pakistan are armed to the teeth with nukes and they can fire back just as easily by disseminating them to every single Muslim country on the planet. Then you end up with a nuclear holocaust.