What would be a good balance for the settings in FEAR?


Senior member
Oct 29, 2004
I just got my hands on the dvd version. I started making adjustments last night & using the built in test for fps.

I did notice after installing the 1.3 patch (I choose not to install the punkbuster because I have no idea what it is) that my fps went down according to the built in test.

The pc I'm using is listed below. I'm shooting for 1024 X 768 @75Hz. That is listed as optimal for my 6+yr old monitor.

The game defaults to high for graphics. I turned some options down to medium & turned on 2xAA with a result of 30 min & 151 max with vsync off on one pass. But after the 1.3 patch I'm down to a min of 25.

I would like to keep 2AA on, but some I'm not really sure what some of the other options actually are & how they relate to the visual quailty.

What should I turn down to get my min fps to stay at a decent level?



Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
You shouldn't have any problems playing with everything on max - 2xAA/16xAF and no softshadows at 1024x768