I don't miss it.
When I started using it there were no graphics, just text. IIRC, I was using WAIS and Gopher.
I think it was the later introduction of Mosaic that allow for graphics. At that point the race for faster modems and higher bandwidth was on. IIRC, the best modems were made by US Robotics. We were updating almost constantly.
And PC hardware much more expensive then.
The thing I think kind of funny is that most people were America Online (AOL). They used to give out free discs at grocery store checkout lines. You seemed to get one in the mail every week/month. The funny part to me is that AOL wasn't the web, it was an intra web. Sort of like a little WWW within the WWW. But if you were using AOL, you really weren't on the web. Took a long time for many people to realize that.
The only really good thing I remember is that there weren't any viruses at first.
And was interesting to watch all the new business models that people invented, and watch them evolve or get run over like road kill. (A lot were simply purchased and gobbled up by the big players like Microsoft. Gates was blowing money like crazy to get into, and try to carve out a big position in the internet.)