Originally posted by: Syringer
So I'm a college party virgin, and will be starting UCLA next week and was wondering what to expect..I've also never had any hard liquor.
Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
They will be NOTHING like those parties they show in movies. Here is what most of the ones I went to looked like. There are couple of groups. One group is of the guys, who don't do anything by discuss football stats. Then there is a group of bitter girls, who are bitter for God knows why. Then there is the occasional romatic couple. Other than that, there are people sitting around, just trying to hit on girls and failing. College parties get sooooo boring after a while.
Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
They will be NOTHING like those parties they show in movies. Here is what most of the ones I went to looked like. There are couple of groups. One group is of the guys, who don't do anything by discuss football stats. Then there is a group of bitter girls, who are bitter for God knows why. Then there is the occasional romatic couple. Other than that, there are people sitting around, just trying to hit on girls and failing. College parties get sooooo boring after a while.
Originally posted by: amnesiac
Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
They will be NOTHING like those parties they show in movies. Here is what most of the ones I went to looked like. There are couple of groups. One group is of the guys, who don't do anything by discuss football stats. Then there is a group of bitter girls, who are bitter for God knows why. Then there is the occasional romatic couple. Other than that, there are people sitting around, just trying to hit on girls and failing. College parties get sooooo boring after a while.
This is a UCLA party, not a backwoods nerd college party. Where the hell do you go to anyway?
I've gone to a few UCLA parties and frat parties. They're not bad but some jackass is always trying to start something.
When I was in a frat @ USC, we had our share of parties, most of them involved lots of free drinks, hot girls, and lots of dancing. If I was single (and had I tried) I'm sure that I could have scored at least half the time.
Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
They will be NOTHING like those parties they show in movies. Here is what most of the ones I went to looked like. There are couple of groups. One group is of the guys, who don't do anything by discuss football stats. Then there is a group of bitter girls, who are bitter for God knows why. Then there is the occasional romatic couple. Other than that, there are people sitting around, just trying to hit on girls and failing. College parties get sooooo boring after a while.
lol, i go to a self-proclaimed nerd school and even here there are great parties every weekend. sounds like you're not going to the right parties, cool guy.Originally posted by: TommyVercetti
They will be NOTHING like those parties they show in movies. Here is what most of the ones I went to looked like. There are couple of groups. One group is of the guys, who don't do anything by discuss football stats. Then there is a group of bitter girls, who are bitter for God knows why. Then there is the occasional romatic couple. Other than that, there are people sitting around, just trying to hit on girls and failing. College parties get sooooo boring after a while.
Originally posted by: WinkOsmosis
You won't have sex.
You won't find a shy girl who also doesn't fit in to fall in love with.
Originally posted by: Train
you aint gonna learn anything by reading about it on the internet, and dont try googling it either, get away from the keyboard, gel your hair, put on a nice shirt, pre-drink by bonging a 6 pack of natty and roll in with some homeys, try not to make it too obvious your a bunch of freshman.