What to do in a situation like this ... (friends/girls thing)


Diamond Member
May 22, 2000
Hey everybody...

Sorry to raid you on something like this again with all the similar threads recently, but I need someone to talk to.

I just started talking to my ex/gf again recently. Things seem to be going ok.. This is just online though, keep in mind. I still haven't seen her once since our breakup numerous months ago.

Well a relatively good friend of mine also started talking to her, as well as a close friend (female) of mine, who let's just call A. My ex/gf we'll call M.

Well I heard from my friend S that him and M may go on a date next weekend to a movie or something. But thing is, apparently he really likes A as well, and I think something going on between them would affect me somewhat, as I have feelings for her, I've known her for a while now and we've talked alot.. I like her and have liked her for some time.

I wouldn't mind S going out with M though, since it's over and I'm completely over it and could not go back to her. If he went out with M that would be cool ... In fact I could see myself taking A to double take with S and M...

But I'm afraid of what might occur in the future, I don't know .. Anything I should be warned of or what should I do?



Golden Member
May 16, 2000
I'm not terribly experienced in these convoluted relationship matters (same GF for 2 yrs). I say, nudge S towards M, but be subtle (don't blame me if it goes wrong :p).

Who was it that said "bros b4 ho's"?

Why don't you just ask A out anyhow? She may have her sights set on your best friend's brother's GF. :confused: and not be interested in either of you anyhow.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2000
Yeah, bro's b4 ho's... well, I dunno.

See, I've got the "ur such a kutie" routine a few times from her, but I think S has gotten that from her too so it might just be a thing that's like whatever ... and I DID also get the ...."as friends" thing... :(

So I don't know how great my chances are with her, but I guess it's always worth a shot?..



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
sounds kinda kinky with all the s&m running about.

ummm... converting friends to girlfriends is really hard and rather risky. tell S to lay off A, and go have fun with M. S will get it. of course, S could drop the ball and tell A his suspicions and that could be a good thing, depends on how A really feels about R.

damn, this is a confusing relationship quadrangle.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2000
lol guys :)

well I don't know what will happen ... we'll see, I'll keep you guys up to date.