What sort of spam is this...and how do I stop it?
Okay...so I was off preparing dinner and when I come back this beauty is up on my screen.
What the hell?
I did a re-install of Windows just the other day, and I had one something like it shortly after the fresh install before I had any sort of messanger service that I know of installed...
Now this is #2...I have Trillian installed now. That doesn't look like a trillian window though.
Before that I've never seen anything like this before.
Is this some new kinda spam? Or was I just lucky before? Or what?
Does anyone know what this "messanger service" is, and how to get rid of it?
Christ I formatted all 3 of my hard drives 2 days ago...how can I have gotten this crap already.
My computer has a name now instead of the weird random stuff Win2k offers as default (which I usually take)...could that have any signifigance?
Okay...so I was off preparing dinner and when I come back this beauty is up on my screen.
What the hell?
I did a re-install of Windows just the other day, and I had one something like it shortly after the fresh install before I had any sort of messanger service that I know of installed...
Now this is #2...I have Trillian installed now. That doesn't look like a trillian window though.
Before that I've never seen anything like this before.
Is this some new kinda spam? Or was I just lucky before? Or what?
Does anyone know what this "messanger service" is, and how to get rid of it?
Christ I formatted all 3 of my hard drives 2 days ago...how can I have gotten this crap already.
My computer has a name now instead of the weird random stuff Win2k offers as default (which I usually take)...could that have any signifigance?