What should I RMA, Motherboard or Video Card?


Senior member
May 22, 2004
Here is a quick preface. Computer starting locking up randomly after a bios flash. Tried reflashing, still froze. Cleared CMOS, still froze. Figured I'd reinstall for the fun of it. Froze with 19 min remaining in the install when i tried the install with 2 seperate harddrives. Took out all the unnecessaries. Now froze on the windows desktop when I tried to install chipset drivers.

This leads me to believe it is the motherboard and the motherboard alone. Doesnt make sense for it to be the vid card, but I guess it could be either. CPU makes no sense because of the freezing that occured at specific times during the install, same goes for the PSU. Keep in mind I tried the install with different harddrives. So here is my question. Motherboard or Video Card?


Senior member
May 22, 2004
I had a post pervious to this one, and left a few things out. Cleared CMOS and ran memtest for about 8 hours without any errors. This is why the mempry wasnt included in my things to possibly RMA list. Thanks for the help though.