What Should I get? X800 pro PCI-E, or 6800NU PCI-E


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
I've already got my system running, and I'm currently using an x700pro. It's ok but I want something faster. What I really want is either a 6800gt PCI-E or an x800XL, but those are never coming out anytime soon. I've only got about two weeks before I can return the x700 pro, so out of my available options what should I get? The MSI 6800NU 256mb PCI-E card for about $330, or should I spend $70 more and get an MSI x800PRO PCI-E. If the 6800 can flash to gt, that's be great but if it can't, will I hate the card? Help!!!

And if anyone has any news about any 6800gt's or x800xl's for $450 or less coming out in the next two weeks that'd be great.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Look at some benchmarks and see what level of performance (and cost) you'd be happy with? Like you said, you're taking a chance if you want to buy a 6800NU and try to mod/OC it, whereas the X800Pro is pretty dang fast out of the box.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
cant u just return the card, and wait till 6800gt pcie are available ? i dont think it would flash to a gt (the nu). out of x800pro and 6800nu i'd say 70 dollars is reasonable for the performance increase

edit: however, if you have a SLI board get the 6800nu, as u could add another later on obviously