What should I do for now to get ready for my career?


Golden Member
Nov 20, 1999
I am still only a sophomore in highschool and go to a private school.
I have 8 classes a semester and so far have taken a study hall each time.
Ive manged to get all a's except a b in one class each semester and right now I am getting straight A's

But I am not exactly sure what I want to do for my career. Math is super easy for me, I am practically getting an A+ in geometry, and got a's in algrebra last year. I am also taking some programming classes and those are super easy for me. I am always the first one done in the class, and every time we do programs, I am the first done, and usually have 2-4 days to do anything I want since most of the class is still working on them.

I want to do something with computers, not exactly sure yet. I've probably built around 20-30 comps just this year for friends and family, and I am always working on comps fixing them for people I know. I love working with comps, but I dont really want to be a computer repair guy, I would rather work at intel or somewhere actually designing the comps. Or I would like to be a game programmer or just a general software programmer. My dad also owns a machine shop, and I am pretty good in 2d autocad, but nothing in 3d. Would 3d autocad be something I could easily pick up since I am used to drafting in 2d?

If I want to become a designer, what certs should I get, and what classes should I start taking? Calc, Trig, Physics?

I would like to be a game programmer, but I really dont have a lot artistic talent, I cant really draw, but I can draft 2d... but I would still like to go to college for 3d modeling and stuff. But since I havnt taken any art classes or anything, would that prevent me from getting into a good college for that?

Or would becoming a software programmer be my best bet, and if it is, what classes/certs should I go for?

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do, and what career would be best suited for me?


Diamond Member
Feb 9, 2000
if you want to go computer science, you can make HUGE money... but its a tricky field, because if you suck you dont get paid jack, but if you are real good, you can make 6 digits easy...


Mar 2, 2000
Electrical Engineering is easily the toughest thing you can do, but most likely the most rewarding..Lots of places start at 6-digits.