What program is best to use for copying a hard drive?


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
I'm replacing a laptop HD 100 gig with a 750 gig, WIN XP PRO. What program is best for copying everything to the new HD?

Should I place the HD in an external housing for copy and do it USB? I'm looking for a solution and I'm not opposed to buying a program.

I don't know what prog. is good these days.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
Use either Norton Ghost or Acronis TruImage to Clone the old drive over to the new one. After it is done, power down, switch the drives in the case and power up. It will boot up just as it did with the old drive. Acronis has a free trial, but be sure you run either program from the boot cd and not from within windows. It always works better if it runs by itself in DOS from the boot cd.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
". . . but be sure you run either program from the boot cd and not from within windows. It always works better if it runs by itself in DOS from the boot cd."

This for sure! The actual bootable "Rescue CD" runs a Linux variant - not really DOS. It is better than from within Windows.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
Hi, thanks for the link. I don't use backup software. I mean I don't like automatic backups. Pretty soon you have your credit card information and everything stored in your backup files.

I want to use this to copy a hard drive to another. That is my sole purpose. I must repeat this action 5 times because I've got 5 PCs. With usage and activation of software these days, I find it interesting to find out they're interested in selling me 3 or more user package. Am I able to copy 5 hard drives with this or will I have to purchase 5 of the software "Acronis® True Image™ Home 2011 at $50.00 each?"

Yes, I have 5 T61s that I'm upgrading the hard drives to 750 gig.

I'm sure people here have used this software before.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
If you are running it off the Boot CD, it will only be on 1 machine at any one time. So you should be ok with 1 copy. Now if you were installing it on each machine and leaving it there, then that would not be ok. You may want to contact Acronis and ask them just to be sure.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
I'm a software junky. I don't mind buying it because I'll end up using it again sometime, maybe for something else. Now that we have software activation I'm now doing battle with McAfee Anti-Virus. I had a 3 user pack and recieved 3 laptops DOA from an unscrupulus dealer.

The 3 laptops were returned after the programs were uninstalled and the drives free space wiped to DOD standards. McAfee is certain that the three user package has been used rather than paying attention to what I've told them in emails. Thats an interesting way to argue because many are just automated responses. I ended up putting Avast Anti Virus on my most recent computer since McAfee can out-argue me using pawns living on the prevailing wage in developing countries.

I tried downloading Clonezilla, but the ISO File for making a CD is supposed to be 113.2 MB. The one I downloaded might be an error or corrupt because its only 76.3 MB in size.

I'm going to try for the trial version of Acronis® True Image™ Home 2011. If you do a Google Search for it you get taken to many places for this program,"Acronis True Image Home PC Backup & Recovery 2011 Retail Box." A search on Amazon brings up the same and I'm wondering if it does the same thing?


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
The link I provided will get you the Acronis Trial edition. It can be converted to a full version by entering a valid serial number.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
If you are running it off the Boot CD, it will only be on 1 machine at any one time. So you should be ok with 1 copy. Now if you were installing it on each machine and leaving it there, then that would not be ok. You may want to contact Acronis and ask them just to be sure.

They said the phone lines are too busy. So I must chat. Below is a transcript of the chat. They want me to buy 5 packages. Thats crazy, I'd be nuts to do that.

Answer from Acronis:

Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
You have been connected to Mohamed Ameen.
Mohamed Ameen: Hello Jack. Thank you for contacting Acronis Customer Central. My name is Ameen and I will be glad to assist you. Please allow me a minute to review your message.
Mohamed Ameen: As I understand, you intend to use Acronis True Image Home 2011 to clone hard drives on five different computers. Am I right?
Jack Bauer: Correct
Jack Bauer: I'm simply replacing 100gig HDs with 750 gig HDs.
Mohamed Ameen: If you intend to clone your laptops, you can use Acronis True Image Home 2011. However, each of your laptops would require a separate license.
Jack Bauer: That's what I thought. Thank you.
Jack Bauer: You've answered my question.
Mohamed Ameen: Have I answered all your questions.? May I close this case for now?
Jack Bauer: Yes, I would not be using it for backup. I would only use it for copying 5 hard drives. I would not want to buy 5 products for $250.00.
Mohamed Ameen: Thank you. I am closing this case for now. However if you need further help, please contact us again and we will be glad to assist you.
Mohamed Ameen: I understand.
Mohamed Ameen: This product has a perpetual license on a single physical computer.
Mohamed Ameen: Refer the following table:
The agent is sending you to http://kb.acronis.com/content/11997.
Jack Bauer: Who cares? Why would I want it on my HD? I'm just going to copy the data, not back it up?
Mohamed Ameen: Just to confirm, you intend to clone the hard drive to external hard drives. Also the drives you are trying to clone are internal drives on each of your laptops. Am I right?
Jack Bauer: Internal Drives, yes.
Jack Bauer: Like I said earlier, I'm upgrading 100 gig HDs with 750 gig HDs.
Mohamed Ameen: Jack, if you intend to clone internal drives, then the software has to be installed on each of the drive(or computer). Hence the need for 5 licenses.
Jack Bauer: Thank you for clarication. All questions are answered.
Mohamed Ameen: You are welcome.
Mohamed Ameen: Thank you for contacting Acronis Customer Central. Have a great day!


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
I downloaded "Clonezilla" and used a free program to burn an ISO disc. I have Roxio Media Creator, but this came recommending for burning a nice clean ISO disc. It is free. Symantec tech support had me download and use it once before.


I ordered the Seagate 750 gig HD and a USB case. I'm now waiting their arrival and will update as I'm sucessfull. In reality, anything could go wrong.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I would think since each license is good for up to 3 computers, you would only need 2 licenses?


Golden Member
Nov 8, 2009
+1 for clonezilla

I used it last night to clone the 500gb HD in my ps3 so i have a spare one in case the current one dies. I don't want to lose my saved games and what not on my ps3