What processor would be cheaper, duron or celeron...


Senior member
Aug 28, 2000
I might be building a super low end computer soon, and I wanted to know what would be cheaper, a celeron, duron.

I know I can get an OEM duron 600 for ~50 and a celeron 366 for about ~60, but what about a mobo too?

The most powerfull program this thing will be running is probly photoshop or immageready (yuck), so I'd like to go no lower than 500 or so.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Last I checked PriceWatch you could get a 600 for 50 and an Asus mobo. for about 150, you could get a cheaper mobo. (prob. round 100) but the Asus and Abit are the only ones that can overclock. I'd definitly say go w/ the much faster Duron over the celeron expecially if the celeron costs more for less speed. I've seen a lot of people ocing there duron's to about 850+ w/o many probs.

Mark R

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
For a super-cheap solution, where performance takes second place, then you could consider a celeron and i810 motherboard (with integrated everything).

Considerably cheaper than a duron, motherboard & vid card - not as fast, and dismal 3d, though.


Sep 18, 2000
yah when it comes to building a computer with the cheapest price tag, intel always wins, people in small offices needing some junk ass networked word/excel/accounting computers will always choose intel because AMD costs so much more. Maybe that will change. It used to be the other way around with the amd 486/386 chips.

when there are $50 socket-a mobo's with integrated video, amd will probably regain its low end advantage. Until then, the i810e mobo is pretty damn cheap ( i paid $40 ) and top that off with a cheap ass $50 celeron. woohoo.

box like:
ATX Case: $25
Celeron 400 $50 (w/fan)
i810e cheepie $40 (integrated video/sound/ultra66)
13 gig drive $53 (amazon.com) (can substite smaller for cheap)
keyboard + mouse $12
64 meg dimm $43 (can substitute pc66 for cheaper)
Monitor 17" $129 (generic but 17" is what counts to people)
total $352 + tax

turn around and sell it for $500-550 to locals.(EASILY).

If i had the time i'd be in the hardware business. Unfortunately, people pay me $100/hr
to do unix contract gigs, so i stick with that.

If its all about making cash money, then intel has the others beat hands down.


Senior member
Nov 19, 1999
rigor... I don't know what you are talking about, you can still buy K6-2 setups for almost nothing! BUt between the Cel and Duron, Iwould suggest one of those cheap Socket A mobos (around 100 bucks) and a Duron 600(around 50 bucks) Then go and pickup a Matrox G200 Video card from the for sale forums and yoou'll be good to go. You will also be much happier than you would be w/an older Celeron or even a CelII running at default speed.