What? Portal 2 only $30 on Amazon


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2005
I preordered on amazon for $35, it was delivered on tuesday when it came out.


Feb 5, 2001
I'm buying the PS3 version tomorrow for $40. Then going to link it with the Steam copy it comes with and trade the PS3 copy in to Amazon for $28. Portal 2 for $12, thank you!


Jan 6, 2007
I'm buying the PS3 version tomorrow for $40. Then going to link it with the Steam copy it comes with and trade the PS3 copy in to Amazon for $28. Portal 2 for $12, thank you!

"Hello, my name is Kaotik! I like to completely abuse generous offers from nice companies. They're trying to be nice to me? HAHA, big mistake! I'm going to screw them AND the schmuck that buys my returned code, the losers.

I am Kaotik, see me be an ass then brag about it."


Feb 5, 2001
"Hello, my name is Kaotik! I like to completely abuse generous offers from nice companies. They're trying to be nice to me? HAHA, big mistake! I'm going to screw them AND the schmuck that buys my returned code, the losers.

I am Kaotik, see me be an ass then brag about it."

The trade in amount is for the PS3 game only so go cry me a river.

So according to you I'm suppose to keep the PS3 title forever then? Or just trade it in when it isn't even worth $2. If I wanted to be a real douche I could buy code for the Steam version and go rent the game for $1 at Redbox for a day, that way Valve doesn't see a single penny.

Go try and lay your guilt on someone else, shit ain't going to work here. Between the size of my Steam library and I advertise their sales on these forums making people aware of deals they would have otherwise missed, I don't feel guilty, they got the money from the retailer already for that copy and you damn well better believe they have anticipated that people would do exactly what I am doing anyways and still went ahead with it.
Oct 27, 2007
I guess not too many people were keen to pay USD$50 for 4-6 hours of gameplay. I know I'm waiting for better prices, despite loving Portal very much.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2007
Games drop like rocks now, buying new doesn't make sense unless its some popular multiplayer game that holds its value. Gonna wait for a $5 steam sale.


Jan 6, 2007
The trade in amount is for the PS3 game only so go cry me a river.

I wasn't crying, I was mocking.

Still, I did check and saw that Amazon does appear to resell returned copies as "Used" with the disclaimer that DLC may have been redeemed, so it's nice that the subsequent buyer doesn't get burned.

Go try and lay your guilt on someone else, shit ain't going to work here. Between the size of my Steam library and I advertise their sales on these forums making people aware of deals they would have otherwise missed, I don't feel guilty, they got the money from the retailer already for that copy and you damn well better believe they have anticipated that people would do exactly what I am doing anyways and still went ahead with it.

You really should have stopped with "the trade in amount is for the PS3 game only", it was a better defense. The above paragraph however? Petty justifications.

I used to work with a guy that lived near a self-service fruit stand. I was amazed one day to hear him admit to produce theft claiming that the farmer priced the goods with the understanding that some people would simply take some. Granted that's NOT the same situation as here, but it's still pretty lame to argue "they knew people were going to abuse it, why shouldn't that person be me?"

In the end though I guess we do agree on one thing: they know people are going to do this, so why should I worry about it? Hm, apparently I get more irritable when I'm buzzed.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I wasn't crying, I was mocking.

Still, I did check and saw that Amazon does appear to resell returned copies as "Used" with the disclaimer that DLC may have been redeemed, so it's nice that the subsequent buyer doesn't get burned.

Are you being purposefully dense? He didn't say he was returning it, he said he was trading it in AS used. Same thing you can do at gamestop, and the exact same thing as selling it used yourself. I did the exact same thing with my PS3 copy because it's the smart thing to do. I get my PC copy for cheap, and somebody can buy my used ps3 copy for cheap. Did you ever stop to think that there are shitloads of people who have no use for a PC copy? Used game buyers know EXACTLY what they're missing when they buy used.


Sep 5, 2004
Games drop like rocks now, buying new doesn't make sense unless its some popular multiplayer game that holds its value. Gonna wait for a $5 steam sale.

Exactly, this is why Dev's focus so much now on multiplayer because they know their game won't hold it's value (or sell well) unless it has countless hours of replay value. I LOVED the first Portal but I wasn't about to pay $60 (or even $30 honestly) for a game that lasts 4 hours that I might play through twice.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
"Hello, my name is Kaotik! I like to completely abuse generous offers from nice companies. They're trying to be nice to me? HAHA, big mistake! I'm going to screw them AND the schmuck that buys my returned code, the losers.

I am Kaotik, see me be an ass then brag about it."

WTF? Stop being an ass. Amazon offers the trade in. Kaotik is only taking advantage of what is offered. He's smart, not a loser. get off your high horse.


Jun 5, 2006
WTF? Stop being an ass. Amazon offers the trade in. Kaotik is only taking advantage of what is offered. He's smart, not a loser. get off your high horse.

I'd never do something like that and I look down on people who do.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2006
Valve games always drop like a rock a few weeks after release. Hell, I remember L4D2, originally at launch was $50, and a few weeks later on Black Friday, it was $20. While that was a sale price, prices hovered at $20-$30 and dropped even more after that.

I paid a net total of $7 for Portal 2. Yea I did the PS3 thing, and I was actually going to keep my copy (to coop locally with), but the lack of PSN for a month made me get rid of it. Oh well, I don't care. Valve gets plenty of my money through steam anyway.


Jan 6, 2007
trelin said:
Still, I did check and saw that Amazon does appear to resell returned copies as "Used" with the disclaimer that DLC may have been redeemed, so it's nice that the subsequent buyer doesn't get burned.

Are you being purposefully dense? He didn't say he was returning it, he said he was trading it in AS used.

Sorry, apparently I didn't word that very well; I should have used the phrase "traded in copies". I didn't want to argue about what I didn't understand, so after his first response I went to Amazon to check their policies and was happy that they do indeed clearly state that used/traded-in/returned copies may not contain DLC. That is, I assumed that future buyers might be expecting PC codes and get burned, but clearly that was wrong. (A nice change from a few years back when I remember a bunch of console people yelling about lack of DLC with their SUPPOSEDLY new gamestop purchases... come to think of it I'm probably still remembering that debacle.)

I know for most of you it'll seem obvious to expect used copies to have their codes redeemed, but I have a non-tech friend that has been planning on buying a used PS3 copy and I know for a fact he doesn't realize it's not as straightforward as "PS3 copies come with free PC copies". Thankfully now I can make sure he understands the difference.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
I guess not too many people were keen to pay USD$50 for 4-6 hours of gameplay. I know I'm waiting for better prices, despite loving Portal very much.

couldn't you and mike play the co-op? I thought that alone was worth full price, drinking a bit and getting on a headset and playing through co-op w/ a good friend was the most fun I've had playing a game in quite a while


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yep - and STEAM is still wanting ~$50 for the game. :(

I took the Amazon route as $30-$35 is the price range I will pay for "new" PC games.