What Languages Sound Like To Foreigners.

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Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
English, spoken by most French people, sounds snotty, rude and condescending.

Maybe that's just because it's spoken by French people who are snotty, rude, and condescending, though! :hmm:


Jan 28, 2002
English, spoken by most French people, sounds snotty, rude and condescending.

Maybe that's just because it's spoken by French people who are snotty, rude, and condescending, though! :hmm:

Where were you when you encountered this behavior?

Never noticed that on any of my trips to France.


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2015
English, spoken by most French people, sounds snotty, rude and condescending.

Maybe that's just because it's spoken by French people who are snotty, rude, and condescending, though! :hmm:

Same experience/observation. I work with people outside of the US all the time.

French people sound super snotty. And they are more confrontational than Americans. They also protect their time the most closely. Its usually no where near the value they put on it. Its as though daily tasks are beneath them, even when they are at the bottom of the food chain.

Indians seem patronizing. You can say the most absurd shit to them, and they will just agree and continue. They don't react if you you need to be aggressive, which might seem like good customer service, but comes across as lazyness, or lack of genuine concern.

Brits and Irish people are similar. They tend to be easy going, but not particularly productive.

Italians are the worst to deal with, Greeks are not to far behind. They are quick to anger, and will defend a position out of pride, even if its wrong. They never apologize when they are wrong. They are always on the lookout for skapegoats. You have to watch yourself in dealing with them.

Chinese people are selfish with their words. If you walked in front of a bus, they would let you, and observe the outcome.

Scandinavian people are frustrating because they don't communicate. They speak other languages very well, but don't speak up when they have a problem.

Turkish people are almost as bad as the Italians, but they don't speak English as well, generally speaking.

Africans are like children. They just wait for someone to tell them what to do. This is a cultural thing though, not racial. White Africans are the same.

Canadians are mostly like Americans, though they don't work long hours like Americans, in my experience. Their constant clumsy use of sarcasm can be a detriment to a project.
And why do they answer their own questions?
"Your gonna check the DNS configuration before deployment, yes?"

Ive never worked with south Americans, but I hear good things.

Germans get an A in my book. They are generally under spoken, very helpful, don't wast time. They don't say things that don't need to be said. They don't call unnecessary meetings.

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