I have to go to a wedding this weekend and it's the first time in a while that I will be wearing a tie. I usually do a 4 in hand but I might switch it up.
Half-Windsor can be tied in seconds and looks the best IMO. Nice solid shape without looking too bulky like the Windsor and doesn't look lop-sided like the 4 in hand.
When I was in my Frat they made us wear suits during initiation and the one that was taught was the 4 in hand. We had to learn to do it without a mirror. Now, I can't do it in front of mirror without screwing up.
Don't know what it's called probably the half windsor.
What ever one goes, round and round. Then you get sick and up it comes, but make sure you toss up in the toliet. Sorry that's the way I remember how to do it.
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