If the "satisfaction" I see on the faces of the people who work at Great Adventure in NJ is any indication, it's probably not the most rewarding job. I knew one girl who worked there and she pretty much hated it.
The only summer job I held, I was a machine operator at a printing press.
Did you ever go to the supermarket and get a cash register receipt with coupons printed on the back? There's a pretty good chance that it was made by that company.
Basically they are printed on a web press with 5 or 6 different tapes on across huge rolls of paper about 3 ft in diameter.
I operated the machine that cut and rolled the tapes onto the individual rolls that go in the registers.
Honestly, it was one of the best jobs I ever had. Working a machine is great. You don't have to dress nice, you have some good rock blasting on the radio which has to be up loud enough to be heard over the roar of the presses.
You just get into the rhythm and start singing along at the top of your lungs and before you know it it's 5:30 and time to go.
I was pretty cut by the end of the summer from sweating all day long and constantly lifting shafts of tapes....they only weighed about 10 lbs, but doing that all day every day gives you some good tone.
And overtime rules.