F fLum0x Golden Member Jun 4, 2004 1,660 0 0 Aug 15, 2006 #1 I just go through shoutcast and pick some classic rock or an 80s channel (80s today). The only other thing i listen to is somafm.com
I just go through shoutcast and pick some classic rock or an 80s channel (80s today). The only other thing i listen to is somafm.com
FoBoT No Lifer Apr 30, 2001 63,084 13 81 fobot.com Aug 15, 2006 #3 what? i use launch.com which is now some yahoo thing and with my xm subscription, i can use the xm online stations too
what? i use launch.com which is now some yahoo thing and with my xm subscription, i can use the xm online stations too
H Hammerhead Platinum Member Jul 26, 2001 2,297 0 0 Aug 15, 2006 #7 Island 98.5 - Hawaiian Style & Reggae Aloha haoles
HeroOfPellinor Lifer Dec 27, 2001 11,272 1 0 Aug 15, 2006 #9 Eye97. Happened upon it while surfing shoutcast and it had a decent collection. I prefer X 1.FM, but all that alt rock gets boring.
Eye97. Happened upon it while surfing shoutcast and it had a decent collection. I prefer X 1.FM, but all that alt rock gets boring.