What is wrong with America?


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Recently I saw this thing on the news where they were praising a soldier that met an Iraqi kid in Iraq and brought him to US to have a heart surgery. The surgery was performed and now the kid is happy and healthy. The soldier was killed in Iraq. Soldiers wife bought the kid a gaming console.

So.. I'm thinking to myself... There's so many people in this country that need heart surgery, but they get sent away because their medical isurance is not good enough, or because they are not rich enough... It's unbelievable how they will do an extremely expencive surgery to a random Iraqi kid, but someone who was born in this country can be turned down.

I know that the surgery was done by some non profit/saint type guys, but it doesnt change my main point...

Now I'm thinking.. Since we are this dumb.. Why stop here?! Let's give free heart surgery to all Iraqi kids! Let's buy them all game consoles. How is this one any more "special" than the many other sick and helpless Iraqi kids... Let's put all the taxpayers dollars toward that. What will we have left over for the Americans? Ahh.. But I'm sorry we are saints, I forgot. My mother and father cant have a dental plan with their medical insurance.. and they worked for this country many years... But the case on the news is different... SPECIAL.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ibex333
Recently I saw this thing on the news where they were praising a soldier that met an Iraqi kid in Iraq and brought him to US to have a heart surgery. The surgery was performed and now the kid is happy and healthy. The soldier was killed in Iraq. Soldiers wife bought the kid a gaming console.

So.. I'm thinking to myself... There's so many people in this country that need heart surgery, but they get sent away because their medical isurance is not good enough, or because they are not rich enough... It's unbelievable how they will do an extremely expencive surgery to a random Iraqi kid, but someone who was born in this country can be turned down.

I know that the surgery was done by some non profit/saint type guys, but it doesnt change my main point...

Now I'm thinking.. Since we are this dumb.. Why stop here?! Let's give free heart surgery to all Iraqi kids! Let's buy them all game consoles. How is this one any more "special" than the many other sick and helpless Iraqi kids... Let's put all the taxpayers dollars toward that. What will we have left over for the Americans? Ahh.. But I'm sorry we are saints, I forgot. My mother and father cant have a dental plan with their medical insurance.. and they worked for this country many years... But the case on the news is different... SPECIAL.

Welcome to P&N and the new Republican America. Glad you're enjoying it.


Senior member
Aug 30, 2004
Wow, something positive out of Iraq, but yet its turned into a negative. So because one person got a non profit to sponsor his surgery, everyone should have free surgery? Everyone should have free lawyers to, not just court appointed ones.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ibex333
Let's put all the taxpayers dollars toward that. What will we have left over for the Americans?

But I thought you said taxpayers didn't pay for the surgery. :confused:


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
the taxpayers didn't pay for the surgery. democrats hate private charity. God forbid any organization, or worse a church, get credit for a good work instead of the govt.

Example: the new veteran's hospital in san antonio that hillary and mccain spoke at last month that just opened. not a single taxpayer dollar went into its construction. 100% volunteer donations.

You probably have a problem with the shriners too, since they pay for children's hospital bills too, not b/w of govt. mandates, but out of the goodness of their heart.

The example you cited is what is right with America. We have generous people, and we will remain generous until the democrats make it impossible for us to give to any one other than the federal government.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: johnnobts
the taxpayers didn't pay for the surgery. democrats hate private charity. God forbid any organization, or worse a church, get credit for a good work instead of the govt.

...The example you cited is what is right with America. We have generous people, and we will remain generous until the democrats make it impossible for us to give to any one other than the federal government.

You're lying about democrats.

The difference is that democrats see the needs and benefits of both charity and goverment programs, and where the government is essential.

Many republicans are blinded, uninformed ideologues who have no idea about it and are like trained seals who bark 'government is the problem' since they fall for propaganda.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.

Excuse me? Private secor isn't more efficient than government? What exactly does your statement even mean in relation to his quote?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.

Excuse me? Private secor isn't more efficient than government? What exactly does your statement even mean in relation to his quote?

These republicans have zero fiscal sensibility. Which is why they spent like crazy these last 6 years and which is why they were voted out of power.

Im just looking for any ol excuse to remind you wingnuts of that. :)


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

You are confusing their talk with their deeds, johnnyboy. Even you must notice they don't coincide.


Sep 3, 2004
Quick, someone call the wambulance for the OP. :roll:

Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.

Excuse me? Private secor isn't more efficient than government? What exactly does your statement even mean in relation to his quote?

technically, neither is ever truly efficient, and for that matter, further, one is not always more efficient than the other.


Senior member
Jun 17, 2003
You are highlighting a single person's humanity. The soldiers in Iraq, I believe, to a large extent are extremely intent on improving the lives of the Iraqi people.

This is a very complicated discussion you are entering into . . . social welfare . . . economic liberalism . . . pre-emptive war . . .

Yeah, welcom to P&N

edit: Welcome to P&N and the last 150 years . . .
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: johnnobts
the taxpayers didn't pay for the surgery. democrats hate private charity. God forbid any organization, or worse a church, get credit for a good work instead of the govt.

...The example you cited is what is right with America. We have generous people, and we will remain generous until the democrats make it impossible for us to give to any one other than the federal government.

You're lying about democrats.

The difference is that democrats see the needs and benefits of both charity and goverment programs, and where the government is essential.

Many republicans are blinded, uninformed ideologues who have no idea about it and are like trained seals who bark 'government is the problem' since they fall for propaganda.


I give a lot of money every year to charities.

These idiotic stereotyping drills are so retarded.

Here's another one I see in here frequently: "Libruz r anteye privait properrrdy...."

Anyway, I see the OP's point. It really is absurd. Anyone who fails to see the total absurdity of this situation is disconnected from reality, IMO.
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

Oh yeah? That's why your vaunted Republican government is spending money hand over fist to rebuild a country they blew up for no reason? Sending pallets of hundred dollar bills over there that get into insurgent hands so they can better kill our people? Losing 100 billion dollars? Yeah, that's fiscal responsibility all right.... :disgust:


Originally posted by: ibex333
Recently I saw this thing on the news where they were praising a soldier that met an Iraqi kid in Iraq and brought him to US to have a heart surgery. The surgery was performed and now the kid is happy and healthy. The soldier was killed in Iraq. Soldiers wife bought the kid a gaming console.

So.. I'm thinking to myself... There's so many people in this country that need heart surgery, but they get sent away because their medical isurance is not good enough, or because they are not rich enough... It's unbelievable how they will do an extremely expencive surgery to a random Iraqi kid, but someone who was born in this country can be turned down.

I know that the surgery was done by some non profit/saint type guys, but it doesnt change my main point...

Now I'm thinking.. Since we are this dumb.. Why stop here?! Let's give free heart surgery to all Iraqi kids! Let's buy them all game consoles. How is this one any more "special" than the many other sick and helpless Iraqi kids... Let's put all the taxpayers dollars toward that. What will we have left over for the Americans? Ahh.. But I'm sorry we are saints, I forgot. My mother and father cant have a dental plan with their medical insurance.. and they worked for this country many years... But the case on the news is different... SPECIAL.

I don't know everything that's wrong with America. But I'd say one thing that's wrong is that some Americans actually get upset when childrens' lives are saved.

I guess when you're upset that your parents don't have dental (forget that many Americans have no medical at all) you can either fight for universal coverage, or you can pissed off at the 1 or 2 lucky individuals that receive care.

Guess I know which you chose...


Aug 23, 2006
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium

Here's another one I see in here frequently: "Libruz r anteye privait properrrdy...."

Anyway, I see the OP's point. It really is absurd. Anyone who fails to see the total absurdity of this situation is disconnected from reality, IMO.

I totaly agree about the steryotypes. One of the more ridiculous that i've heard is that because the half hour news hour sucks Republican's and humor are mutual exclusives.

I must be disconected because i fail to see anything absurd in this situation. A private charity helped out a foriegn national. This happens ALL THE TIME. whats the big deal? So what we can't provide for all the children in the world. Not giving anyone this care isn't a solution. I don't know what the problem is. Like the OP says, people do get turned away here; of course he fails to mention that many are also given charitable help. We really should be praising the soldier and the charity for helping out a little kid who sure as hell needed it.

That's why your vaunted Republican government is spending money hand over fist to rebuild a country they blew up for no reason? Sending pallets of hundred dollar bills over there that get into insurgent hands so they can better kill our people? Losing 100 billion dollars? Yeah, that's fiscal responsibility all right....

You're completely right, and you just made his point for him. The government is inefficient, just like you pointed out, and the his point is that the private sector is overall more efficient and fiscally responsible and is better equiped to deal with social issues, like providing healthcare to the needy. I would think it hard to argue that a Non-profit doesn't do more good with it's money than any social program.


Senior member
Mar 24, 2002
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Quick, someone call the wambulance for the OP. :roll:

Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.

Excuse me? Private secor isn't more efficient than government? What exactly does your statement even mean in relation to his quote?

technically, neither is ever truly efficient, and for that matter, further, one is not always more efficient than the other.

Thanks, mike.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
I don't think Republicans are allowed to classify themselves as fiscally conservative. Their ideology is spend spend spend, give more and more money to rich people, spend spend spend, give more money to corporations, spend spend spend, lower taxes some more-- so that when democrats come into power and the deficit is enormous, they need to raise taxes and cut spending to pay for the blank checks of the previous government. Then the GOP capitalizes on this "fixing of America" to come into power again. It's a vicious cycle of run the country into the ground, fix it, and then run the country into the ground again.

It's a shame really.


Oct 17, 1999
Is the OP an argument for universal health care for US citizens or a mean spirited criticism of an US citizen who helped an Iraqi child?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
1st questionable assertion your point is based upon:

Originally posted by: ibex333

So.. I'm thinking to myself... There's so many people in this country that need heart surgery, but they get sent away because their medical isurance is not good enough, or because they are not rich enough...

Really? I've never heard of all these people, do you have a link?

2nd questionable assertion:

Let's put all the taxpayers dollars toward that

You're saying fed tax $'s paid for the operation? If so, I'd say you have a point. But I don't think so.

If you're worried about our fed tax $'s being spent for the benefit of non-citizens (as I am), I think you should focus on illegal immigration. That get's into billions each year.

If your complaint is about how people spend their money and which charitable cause they choose, I say it's their money and they have a right to with it as they please. It's really none of your business.



Oct 17, 1999
Most problems in the US can be traced to its deindustrialization and the lose of unionized manufacturing jobs

I know this forum has a strong anti-union.

With a high school degree and sometimes without one a person could get a job that provided a decent living that allowed them to own a home, to raise a family, send the kids to college, and have a comfortable retirement. Their jobs gave them and their families excellent health care benefits. These workers paid taxes and bought US produced products.

Those jobs are gone or are disapearing. The jobs that replaced these manufacturing jobs paid less than half as much. The results of this are higher crime rates, collapse of the health care and education systems, and the decay of urban center just to name a few problems we are currently living with.

One of the long term consequences of US companies outsourcing jobs is that eventually it will hurt if not kill their business. They have lost a large group of consumers who loyally bought their products but who now can no longer afford them.



Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: johnnobts
no, republicans recognize that the private sector tends to get things done more efficiently, and more fiscally responsible, than the government. When the government takes on a new project, prepare for bloating and massive tax increases.

not these current crop of republicans.

Nope alot of those were voted out. ;)


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
The OP is the "Charity begins at home." idiom. One could counter with "no good deed goes unpunished."