What is up with the freakin' Jewlery Ads on TV!


Senior member
May 5, 2001
Yesterday I watched a little football, I lost count after 6 jewelery store commercials
I am watching Leno right now, I think every commercial break has a jewelery store ad.

Not only are they annoying and materialisticly evil, they are horrible spots.
I just watched one where the wife goes down-stairs and looks under the tree for "her jewelery" to make sure that her husband "really loves" her. Of course it is their and you see the "box". She runs up-stairs to bed and clutches her fist like she is Tiger Woods sinking a 60 footer.

Men don't stand a chance, most women are too weak minded to see how useless jewelery is.

Help me out guys, do you feel my pain.
I mean come on........ during football.......well it is Fox, but still, no excuse

Boycott Jewelery this Christmas!


Senior member
May 30, 2001
*sigh* wish i had a TV. :(

i'm being serious now, i dont own a TV. gonna have to wait till i move back home. then i'am gonna get cable :Q

i can imagine jewelry stores are pushing real hard for sales, especially this holiday season. kinda like the auto. industry selling cars with 0% interest and stuff


Senior member
May 5, 2001
I am waiting for this one.

Youmust buy your wife the three diamond ring symbolizing the past present and future.....or the terorists win.

If you don't have a TV, there's always the radio, also out of control with the jewelery ads.
I did not now the birth of Christ was symbolized by diamonds, Chaunukha.....well I can't speak from experience.


Jul 26, 2001

<< Men don't stand a chance, most women are too weak minded to see how useless jewelery is. >>

jewelry really is pointless.. its freakin metal and rocks and stuff.. who cares?


Aug 18, 2000
That Kay Jewelry ad you are talking about annoys the hell out of me.

If I did indeed buy my significant other a diamond bracelet or whatever, I would want to see their face when they opened it. If they ruined the surprise by secretly opening their gift early, I would be so pissed! :| Every time I see that commercial, I think about how it would be great if that guy gave that chick the boot after he finds out she is a greedy, materialistic, worthless sack! :D


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001
It's all about the season. And I know it's ridiculous. Women can only wear so much sparkly stuff at once and then it gets old.

I'm with azdevil on this one guys! Come on, GET CREATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Who needs a computer? All it is is silicon and metal!

When you were a kid, did you ever collect sports cards? Wow, what a sucker, those were just paper!

Speaking of paper, that's all money is!

Wait, why does money have any value? Oh yeah, because it is a representation of GOLD.

Come on, it's obvious that those of you who think that "jewelry is worthless" either A) are cheap or B) don't have a significant other. I mean, you don't have to deck your woman out so much that she looks like Juvenile in drag, but c'mon, a little jewelry is a nice touch, and if that's what your woman likes, then get it for her. Learn to appreciate beautiful things, even if it is marketed so heavily it might as well be shoved down your throat. :D



Senior member
May 5, 2001
Maybe the word is not worthless.

Jewelery is symbolic, but beyond that it is something most men can't afford every christmas, and have to charge, and most women just want to show it off to their girlfriends. What does that symbolize debt, envy, pride, gluttoney. Sin for Christmas anyone?

And computer do stuff.....they make hours disapear and money.:)

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
bah...I won't even bother discussing this with you. It grates me when people pour their money into other hobbies, savings, etc and decry others for how they spend their money. Personally, I think jewelry is money well spent (to a reasonable extent), and fine jewelry can be an investment.


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001

<< Come on, it's obvious that those of you who think that "jewelry is worthless" either A) are cheap or B) don't have a significant other. I mean, you don't have to deck your woman out so much that she looks like Juvenile in drag, but c'mon, a little jewelry is a nice touch, and if that's what your woman likes, then get it for her. Learn to appreciate beautiful things, even if it is marketed so heavily it might as well be shoved down your throat. :D >>

I'm not saying jewelry is worthless, but it is overdone. It gets to the point where it's the guy's easiest way out in buyin a present for his chick: well, I could get her jewelry or flowers.

All some girls want is a little creativity!



Sep 21, 2001
Well said werk. Jewlery is a nice gift but shouldn't be expected, partially because of cost and partially because you should give a gift because you want to, not because you have to. If you think it'll mean something special for a long time, maybe it's worth it, but I also agree with Sarah, get creative because that can mean just as much.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Well of course. ;) I would never buy my gf jewelry as a "default" gift. She lets me know what she wants. :) As a matter of fact, this Hanukkah, she's getting a TV, a MS Intellimouse Optical, and an Italian print of a Breakfast at Tiffany's movie poster. If my friend ever lends me his router, I'm going to make a frame for the print also.

If I sound a bit biased its probably because my gf sells jewelry, my mother designs jewelery in her spare time, and some of my best friends are jewellers.


Oct 10, 1999

Speaking of paper, that's all money is!

Wait, why does money have any value? Oh yeah, because it is a representation of GOLD.

Money has not been a representation of gold in the US since 1971.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000


Speaking of paper, that's all money is!

Wait, why does money have any value? Oh yeah, because it is a representation of GOLD.

Money has not been a representation of gold in the US since 1971.

So sorry, Captain Factbook. I think you see I've made my point regardless of that error.


Oct 10, 1999



Speaking of paper, that's all money is!

Wait, why does money have any value? Oh yeah, because it is a representation of GOLD.

Money has not been a representation of gold in the US since 1971.

So sorry, Captain Factbook. I think you see I've made my point regardless of that error.

Well it seemed such a large part of your point with the gold in BOLD letters and everything, I'd thought you'd like to know that you weren't even correct. :D


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
I am torn on this one.....

I hate some of the jewlery ads that I see on TV (whether it be in the comfort of my own home or the screen in the mall) as they are cheesy and prey on a guys inability to buy a sentimental gift and thus must resort to jewelery (of which I am one).

Even more than cheesy jewelery Ads, I hate cheesy mall jewelery stores....like Kays and Zales etc.....I would never even consider buying anything of "value" in a place like that. The only think they are decent for are buying Mid grade Luxury watches (Movado/Tag...etc) and small gold trinkits at most.

However on the opposite....

I do appreciate fine jewelery and luxury items, and have no problem in buying them for either myself of my significant other, as long as they represent something....Like my class ring, my watch to symbolise being alive a quarter centuary and my first real job, the watch I got my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday and our six year anniversary, a pair of diamond ear rings that I got her as it was another anniversary gift and she looks stunning in them....

There is a place for fine jewelery, but as long as it is purchased in moderation and at appropriate times.

Least IMHO

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000




Speaking of paper, that's all money is!

Wait, why does money have any value? Oh yeah, because it is a representation of GOLD.

Money has not been a representation of gold in the US since 1971.

So sorry, Captain Factbook. I think you see I've made my point regardless of that error.

Well it seemed such a large part of your point with the gold in BOLD letters and everything, I'd thought you'd like to know that you weren't even correct. :D


Oh and, bozack: You put it exactly how I wanted too, but was unable.
Too much coffee and exams :)|) make me writing skills go bye-bye! ;)