That's because Windows 8 already recognizes most of the Intel components before installing the chipset driver.On Windows 8, even when installing the Intel Chipset Drivers for the first time, I always run setup with the -overall - overide extension because if I didn't the setup only installs like 3 components then ends right away
That's because Windows 8 already recognizes most of the Intel components before installing the chipset driver.
@gizbug, the Intel Chipset driver just tells Windows to recognize Intel parts properly. Before you install the Chipset driver device manager will show some components with generic names, but afterwards the Intel parts should be named properly.
"The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility (also known as the Intel® Chipset Device Software) is often called the chipset driver or chipset drivers, a common misconception."urghh,,,it's not only about recognizing the names d00d
It installs the proper Intel Drivers rather than the generic Miscrosoft drivers and the Intel ones are better and offer better performance.
One example I could give you is on my CPU (mentioned in my sig) the Turbo boost will never reach to 3.27 GHz. with the generic Microsoft Drivers. When I install the Intel Chipset Drivers and monitor the clock frequency I notice that the CPU is now clocking up / down at its proper rates.
Seems when I run the exe, nothing updates or installs. What is the proper way to install this? using the /o (for overright) command tag?
whoa I'm shocked to read this! I always thought it was a driver! so why do people get excited when a new Intel Chipset Software is released as if it is going to makes their pc faster? heck I format my pc when there is a new intel chipset driver package out"The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility (also known as the Intel® Chipset Device Software) is often called the chipset driver or chipset drivers, a common misconception."
"The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility is not a driver and does not include drivers."
"An INF is a text file that gives the operating system information about a piece of hardware on the system. The current Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility gives the product name for the piece of hardware. This information allows the operating system to display the correct name for that piece of hardware in Device Manager."
My i7-3630qm clocks up just fine without installing chipset drivers.