What is the most cringe-worthy thing you have ever seen someone do?


May 18, 2001
I don't know why this has been on my mind today, but I can't seem to shake it.

A few years ago I was on a road trip with a buddy and his 3 or 4 year old daughter. Somewhere along the line we stopped at one of those state-run rest stops. His kid needed changing, so he took her into the restroom with him. I went to a urinal to do my business, when suddenly I heard the little girl saying "Hi, <NuclearNed>". I looked around only to see her staring up at me and waving from the floor. Her dad had taken her into a stall to change her. He laid her on her back on the floor right next to the toilet (keep in mind, this is a very public men's room), right in the wet zone. Nasty!!!

On a different note, I once tagged along with a bunch of high-school kids and their counselors from a summer camp on a river-rafting trip. About two thirds of the way through the trip, we stopped for a break right above a small waterfall that fell into a large pool. One of the kids asked his counselor if he could jump off the waterfall into the pool, and the counselor agreed. I think everyone assumed that this kid was going to jump in feet first, but as we watched he dove - and hit head-on a shelf of rock that was a couple of inches below the surface. His body rolled over and blood poured from his face and nose; I've never seen so much blood come out of somebody so fast. Luckily for him, he was wearing a helmet and only got a bad concussion. It still makes me cringe to remember this, even though it was probably 10-15 years ago.

Philippine Mango

Diamond Member
Oct 29, 2004
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
I don't know why this has been on my mind today, but I can't seem to shake it.

A few years ago I was on a road trip with a buddy and his 3 or 4 year old daughter. Somewhere along the line we stopped at one of those state-run rest stops. His kid needed changing, so he took her into the restroom with him. I went to a urinal to do my business, when suddenly I heard the little girl saying "Hi, <NuclearNed>". I looked around only to see her staring up at me and waving from the floor. Her dad had taken her into a stall to change her. He laid her on her back on the floor right next to the toilet (keep in mind, this is a very public men's room), right in the wet zone. Nasty!!!

On a different note, I once tagged along with a bunch of high-school kids and their counselors from a summer camp on a river-rafting trip. About two thirds of the way through the trip, we stopped for a break right above a small waterfall that fell into a large pool. One of the kids asked his counselor if he could jump off the waterfall into the pool, and the counselor agreed. I think everyone assumed that this kid was going to jump in feet first, but as we watched he dove - and hit head-on a shelf of rock that was a couple of inches below the surface. His body rolled over and blood poured from his face and nose; I've never seen so much blood come out of somebody so fast. Luckily for him, he was wearing a helmet and only got a bad concussion. It still makes me cringe to remember this, even though it was probably 10-15 years ago.

First part is not cringe worthy but second part is, moron....(Kid anyways). Before diving I would usually check the area to make sure nothing is below there.


Mar 31, 2003

I think for me it's the skateborders that fvck up and get a railing or something between their legs....


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2003
that kid's lucky he didn't break his f'in neck...

edit: and I think of that scene in the Jackass movie when they're slitting the webbing of each other's fingers and toes with a sheet of paper... ouch.


Oct 9, 1999
The dude how tryed to shoot a bottle rocket out of his ass comes to mind ;)



Nov 17, 2004
I saw a really wasted guy stab himself with a steak knife, right in his chest. When it was in, he even wiggled it around a bit and across the room I could hear the sinewy crackles and pops. I've also seen a really wasted guy walk through a pile of shattered glass in bare feet - as he continued to walk, he left small puddles of blood with each footprint, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Hmmm... I watched someone down about a litre of whiskey, straight. It hurt to watch that.

Gee, lots of alcohol! And no I won't say who this person was. :) Have a nice day.
Jun 14, 2003
my friends presentation he just made, it was like a little boy in a sweet shop only in powerpoint, every type of fade in, flashing, swinging, tiling text effects there was, you name it, and it was in his presentation. made me want to pierce my eyes
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: meltdown75
I saw a really wasted guy stab himself with a steak knife, right in his chest. When it was in, he even wiggled it around a bit and across the room I could hear the sinewy crackles and pops. I've also seen a really wasted guy walk through a pile of shattered glass in bare feet - as he continued to walk, he left small puddles of blood with each footprint, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Hmmm... I watched someone down about a litre of whiskey, straight. It hurt to watch that.

Gee, lots of alcohol! And no I won't say who this person was. :) Have a nice day.

was it you by anychance?


Jan 19, 2005
I heard of doctors taking out the crown of a baby from a pregnant mom, piercing a hole, and using equipment to suck the intestines, bones, etc. out. I think it's called like partial-birth abortion. Kinda gross.


Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: meltdown75
I saw a really wasted guy stab himself with a steak knife, right in his chest. When it was in, he even wiggled it around a bit and across the room I could hear the sinewy crackles and pops. I've also seen a really wasted guy walk through a pile of shattered glass in bare feet - as he continued to walk, he left small puddles of blood with each footprint, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Hmmm... I watched someone down about a litre of whiskey, straight. It hurt to watch that.

Gee, lots of alcohol! And no I won't say who this person was. :) Have a nice day.

was it you by anychance?

nay. the most cringe worthy thing that happened to me was wiping out on my Honda CR-80 when I was 15 or so. Fresh gravel road with a bend in it... going fast towards the bend, didn't slow down, hit the curve and began to slide. Panic set in, locked up the front brakes, flew over the handle bars. Face first slide on the gravel with an open face helmet and no gloves... you could see the bone in both of my palms and there was much gravel stuck in teh face, esp. chin and nose. Almost as bad as the wipeout itself was walking to a nearby house with my riding buddy and almost being denied at the door! The owner didn't want to let me in - I was a bloody mess. But he did, and proceeded to fill his sink with hot water and salt. Then he made me dunk my face in it. If that doesn't make you cringe, well... I give up.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2004
Back when I was about 16 a friend drank a whole bottle of vinegar in front of a few of us on a dare ...... turned out that this kid had done it many times and really liked vinegar from the bottle and drank it on a regular basis. Gross ......
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: meltdown75
I saw a really wasted guy stab himself with a steak knife, right in his chest. When it was in, he even wiggled it around a bit and across the room I could hear the sinewy crackles and pops. I've also seen a really wasted guy walk through a pile of shattered glass in bare feet - as he continued to walk, he left small puddles of blood with each footprint, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Hmmm... I watched someone down about a litre of whiskey, straight. It hurt to watch that.

Gee, lots of alcohol! And no I won't say who this person was. :) Have a nice day.

was it you by anychance?

nay. the most cringe worthy thing that happened to me was wiping out on my Honda CR-80 when I was 15 or so. Fresh gravel road with a bend in it... going fast towards the bend, didn't slow down, hit the curve and began to slide. Panic set in, locked up the front brakes, flew over the handle bars. Face first slide on the gravel with an open face helmet and no gloves... you could see the bone in both of my palms and there was much gravel stuck in teh face, esp. chin and nose. Almost as bad as the wipeout itself was walking to a nearby house with my riding buddy and almost being denied at the door! The owner didn't want to let me in - I was a bloody mess. But he did, and proceeded to fill his sink with hot water and salt. Then he made me dunk my face in it. If that doesn't make you cringe, well... I give up.

indeed that makes me cringe.....open wounds + salt water = intense cringe


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
my friends presentation he just made, it was like a little boy in a sweet shop only in powerpoint, every type of fade in, flashing, swinging, tiling text effects there was, you name it, and it was in his presentation. made me want to pierce my eyes

hahahahhahaahahaa, I've seen a few of those.