What is the future of the hot button religious/social conservatives agenda?


Sep 26, 2000
In 2000 Bush could count on large numbers of anti-abortion voters and a large number of the social conservatives who liked the Bush stand on prayer in school, gay marriage, sex education and censorship.
However, by the end of the next Presidents, say 8 years in office , it will be 2016. Children born in 1998 will be voting.
Overwhelmingly younger people don't care about gay marriage, are for sex education and against censorship.
And the number of young people against abortion is dropping, though not as fast, though they are still vehement in their beliefs.
If one looks at what religious/social conservatives saw as key issues over the years, it seems that with time the issues fade away. For example segregation, inter-racial dating or marriage, provacative dress, etc
We can see in this election the diminished strength of the current religious/conservative issues already in this election of 2008.
Eight years from now will gay marriage be an issue with a large voitng block against it? Will prayer in school be an issue?
Will the window for the anti-abortionists close over the next 8 years, to the point where they won't have a reasonable chance of deciding policy and will they no longer make abortion the critical issue in their vote if they have no realistic chance of changing anything?
What will be the next big religious/conservative social issues?