First NES-Game. Included in the NES-Sets, portet to the C64 with Gianna Sisters. Mario Bros. is THE Jump´n´Run Game, lots of extras and nice 80s GFX!
Hmmm, I recall getting SpyHunter with my NES. But obviously that wasn't the first NES game. Damn that game rocked. Anyway, I would've thought SuperMario/Duck Hunt or Donkey Kong since it was already out there right? Just needed to be ported.
It has to be Super Mario Brothers. The game came with the Nintendo Entertainment System! That duck hunt thing was included with it, but it was kind of just a side game thing.
I think Mario Bros came out on NES before Super Mario, but I am not entirely sure. Somewhere recently i saw a history of Nintedo, i think it was on GameSpot.
Mario Brothers <sic> is just like the battle thing on Super Mario 3. The Mario Brothers we've all known as the first game is Super Mario Brothers 1. I couldn't tell you the dates though.
There was no "1st" game for the NES... It was originally introduced in the Ny market, and there were about 17 titles available. They went national about 16 months later... and da rest is history..
I'm leaning toward Super Mario Brothers 1 as well since it came packaged with the NES system. That or Gyromite if you bought the NES package with the Rob robot thingy. Could be Duck Hunt too, if there was a lightgun system package.
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