What is the best way to tell my WinXP my Win2K installation on a different hard drive?


Senior member
Jan 17, 2000
I installed WinXP on my one hard drive. Then I attached another hard drive which has Win2K installed. Two hard drive are mounted on different IDE channel. The one with XP is primary IDE. When I boot my machine. It always directly boot into WinXP. I know it is because that there is no Win2K information in the boot information. The question is what is the best way to tell my XP there is another Win2K installation?

Thanks a lot,



Senior member
Sep 8, 2003
Edit your boot.ini file on your XP Hard drive.

Insert the line below the similar looking line for XP:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect

Edit the ARC path if necessary, you should only have to modify the rdisk(x) #:

ARC Path Defined=

multi(x) - Specifies SCSI controller iwth the bios, or non-SCSI controller. x=ordinal number of controller
scsi(x) - Defines SCSI controller with the bios disabled. x = ordinal number of controller
disk(x) - Defines SCSI disk which the OS resides on. When multi is used, x=0. When scsi is used, x = the SCSI ID Number of the disk with the OS.
rdisk(x) - Defines disk which the OS resides on. Used when OS does not reside on a SCSI disk. x=0-1 if on primary controller. x=2-3 if on a multi-channel EIDE controller.
partiotion(x) - Specifies partition number which the OS resides on. x = cardinal number of partition, and the lowest possible value is 1.