PS:Torment pwn3d like no other. ****
And like all good things, it died too soon.
As for others on your list, credits where they're due (for those played or planning to):
Baldur?s Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast ***1/2
- battles are tough as nails, one of the best expansions
Baldur?s Gate: Throne of Bhaal ***
- powergamers fantasy come true, but fairly worthwhile
Fallout ***
- pretty good nostalgia, but overshadowed by the sequel
Fallout 2 ***1/2
- point blank SMG bursts, caseless miniguns, flesh-melting plasma rifles, WHATMORECOULDJAASKFOR?!?!
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter **
- underwhelming hack n slash rigmarole, a poor man's ToB
Neverwinter Nights ???
- have it, but not yet played
Deus Ex ???
- now playing... solid story and world depth